Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

I’m not arguing I am asking you to explain how it’s not exploiting. You still have failed to do that. Them “not getting caught yet” doesn’t change the definition of a word.

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Ok, you just mad cause bad. I’m done with you.

Yikes haha guess you are just talking out your back end.


They specifically and directly said they are not ok with it, but you won’t take that.

Please tell me you can see how obtuse that is, and how many parallels to horrible actions other people do all the time. You may as well say she didn’t stop you so it was ok man, it’s just a ridiculous line to draw.

First, prove they say it is wrong. We quote them, show you the rules, show you exact discussions on it. So you move the goal post to well then why aren’t they doing anything about it and blah blah blah.

Nothing you are saying defends the actual action, and nothing disproves the fact that we have already proven that Blizzard says it is an exploit.

So you are just pro cheating as long as it is not enforced and that to me makes you a selfish horrible person. So unless you want to defend cheating directly by saying it is a good thing and make a cogent argument on how it makes the game better just walk away.


More evidence you are Snoz


Source please.

Didn’t see that. You just posted a general thing about exploiting. I argue that it isn’t exploiting. So that’s where we stand.

I don’t believe that it is cheating.

And a quick armory check will tell you that I’m just me. Just Abendroth. Nobody else.

And around we go. Read the thread or go away.

I’m not gonna read 800 posts. Link it again or quote. Shouldn’t be difficult if you said it.

Interesting you demand a source (even though it’s already in the post) but won’t provide a source of you own…

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Search the thread for Engadget. I can’t post links. HolyCow posted it originally. What don’t you understand?

You can’t quote a link either.

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Post 287 on this thread.

Hey look I can quote someone without being able to post link. Gee that was tough.

Good for you! It tells me no over and over and why the freck do you think I should do that for you when it was so easy for you to do it?!

Ugh you are just a child dude.

FYI you need a lot of posts before it lets you do that…and I don’t have as many as you. There are tiers on the forums.

Because I didn’t know who posted it duh. Come on… And I don’t have license to post links either. It takes activity and taking a break of forums apparently rips it to shred and I lose it constantly.

I told you multiple times to search the thread for engadget and who originally posted it. A search for engadget on this thread finds it right away.

And yet that link goes totally counter to what that other doofus has been saying. They know about it, have known about it since apparently 2012, and yet they haven’t done a thing.

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Does it say it is unfair? Does it say they don’t want it to happen?

But they have let it happen. For all we know, their stance has changed. It’s been 12 years since, with a new main dev. :man_shrugging:

It doesn’t at all lol it goes against what YOU have been saying. But of course, you are deflecting.

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So you asked for quotes, you asked for evidence…and then you move that goalpost right back to but no enforcement so no laws broken.

Sorry but you are being intellecutally dishonest and it is pointless to continue this conversation if you won’t admit that this is cheating.

Th fact that adults have to be taught that taking advantage of a situation to tilt the playing field in their favor is cheating and unfair is just bonkers. It really is a microcosm of the problems in this world.

No empathy, no honor, just get what you can and who cares if it messes up someone else’s day. It’s internet sociopathy.

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