Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

There’s zero logic to that statement, if they “didn’t care” they wouldn’t make organized groups in discord full of full conquest gear players with consumables.


You don’t need to circumvent restrictions to do that. The game allows you to queue for random bgs in a 5-man with conquest gear. That’s a fair thing to do.

The game does not allow you to queue for random bgs in a raid group. People are circumventing restrictions to bring their premade raids into random bgs. It’s unfair to all the players who aren’t circumventing restrictions.

See the difference?

We’re all very impressed that premade raiders “cleverly” circumvent restrictions for an unfair advantage over other teams, ignoring Blizzard and all the damage premade raids do to the PvP community.


I agree that one of the most glaring problems is synced groups declining a queue pop and ultimately leaving that team short of players; additionally, the matchmaking system is very poor if it doesn’t load in replacement players before the BG starts.

However, isn’t the ball entirely in blizz’s court? I think what would need to happen is for blizz to put out a current statement explicitly laying out what actions are considered suspendable/bannable. After that it would then be up to individuals to decide whether they’ll keep doing such actions AND for blizz to actually take action suspending /banning.

Keep in mind that they would have to explicitly spell out the actions. For example, what about solo queue syncing? You can have one 5-man group and everyone else solo queue sync with them and achieve the same result as multiple 5-mans syncing. Would blizz define solo syncing as suspendable/bannable?

They don’t even moderate their precious esport games like Overwatch2, they just let hackers, cheaters, exploiters run rampant. It’s why Blizzard games are notorious for “exploit early and often”.