Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

But you’re comparing apples to oranges.

It’s not factual it’s your opinion.

Again, this is your opinion not a fact.

You made a claim without any proof whatsoever. If you can’t provide the proof that everyone on the forums is the minority then stop making that claim.

I’m not the one making that comparison. I am saying you are not able to queue into random bg’s as a raid

He is gonna try to say it’s an issue of whether it is queued or not and that unless it is exactly the same thing Blizzard has commented on it doesn’t count. It’s complete ridiculousness.

They have clearly said it gives an unfair advantage and that unfair advantages are an exploit. Every other pedantic weird excuse is defending cheaters by trying to call it some technical way not a cheat. They will then say even if it is a cheat you can do it as well…so it’s on you.

It’s victim blaming 101. Move goal posts. Defend the exploiters through loopholes. Blame the victim for not defending themselves by giving up their rights or not attacking first.

The entire idea is from a place of selfishness and blaming and is really gross. It’s like people were not taught to share as children and just don’t have the basic empathy for humans that don’t give them anything in return. Very depressing really when you look at the roots of it.

edit: haha happened before I could call it. Where is my pointing at the TV meme!

Oh, come off it. The sheer audacity to place me on ignore when you’re being this disingenuous is insane.

They’re referring to groups who purposely circumvent the 5 man queue limitation. When you queue for any BG, whether that be regular or epic BGs, you can only queue with up to 4 other players (including yourself, that’s a full party of 5).

When they say “exploit” groups, it’s multiple full 5 man party groups who queue at the same time and will try to get into the same battleground. If party 1 gets the queue pop but the others don’t, they’ll all requeue and try again until all of them get the same pop. Rinse and repeat.

That’s the gist of it.

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I think this quote from the Engadget article Mohz linked is one of the best explanations of how it is unfair.

"organized Battleground group to queue against a randomly assembled group is creating a scenario where that coordinated group has a huge advantage. That is not in the spirit of the experience we want to provide in the normal Battleground queue. Playing with friends is fun and important, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of the spirit of the game nor the fun of others.
The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

Pretty much the definition of unfair. That’s the gist of the issue and Blizzard has failed to stop it.

In [video games], an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.

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It’s an opinion based on factual observations made in this thread.

Again incorrect.

I listed the proof. It just requires applying some common sense.

Unless you honestly think that the majority of the playerbase posts on the forums which is possible based on the quality of your responses.

Source on their being a limitation of 5? Considering Blizz released a statement saying multiple 5 man groups using cons to join at the same time is not cheating or an exploit?

No you just said the everyone is the minority on the forums. I want real proof.

Is it an opinion or not? Can’t have it both ways.

Where did they say that?

He is referring to a post from 2007…before raid queuing was a thing and before they started fixing it in 2012.

At one point this was allowed and now it is not because it was PROVEN to be unfair. They won’t let go of that first blue post responding to someone asking if it was an exploit. It was dumb of Blizzard to allow it then, but they did.

Now they don’t. Things change. It’s an exploit.

HolyCow and Mohz are heroes

Discussion by Blizz on it in 2012

AGH I CAN"T POST THE LINK…there is an Engadget link from up above posted by Mohz

Quotes from PVP lead talking head Holinka around the time they banned raid Queues.

All documented. Black and white, clear as crystal. These guys are stealing fizzy lifting drinks!

Man I wish I could post links sometimes…quoting them is much more complicated.


How dare people get on Discord and play together! That is cheating!!111

Like bruh, if you’re THAT affected by people playing together, perhaps it’s time for you to take a break from the game and go outside. You’re just beating a dead horse.


Noone has ever made this claim.

Ok, so I can get on Discord with 10+ WoW friends, and we queue up for Epics together. Got it.

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The source is in game. Try to queue as a raid group and you won’t be able to. That’s the limitation.

Where’s this statement at? Also, what else would you call it? If the game doesn’t allow you to queue in a raid group, but you’re circumventing that through queue sync, that’s what is known as “queue manipulation.”

The players are using the game’s queuing system in a way that was not intended by the developers to gain an advantage.


Yes, if they game allows you all to queue together as a 10+ size group. But it doesn’t.

Yes, the game may put 10+ of us in the same battleground together because we queued at the same time. I’m still not sure how is that cheating. I guess the queue system designed by Blizzard is “cheating”?

I mean really…if people are so into a game that they are willing to cheat other people out of the fun of competition in pvp…they are the ones who need to take a break and go outside.

Defending bad behavior, brought to you by NIHILISM! Don’t like it?! Join the bad guys, it’s fun!

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Because you are dropping and exploiting to get it to do it. Not because that’s how the game is designed.

I guess it just depends how you’re going about this. Are you dropping the queue if you guys don’t get the same pop or are you taking the queue regardless?

In my opinion, if you’re not dropping the queue like this, I’d say you’re fine, you’re not actively trying to manipulate the queue.

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