Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

I pug most of the time, I face many premades and I don’t feel “cheated out of the fun” as you put it. I will make an effort to organize the team together and try to beat the enemy, if they don’t listen, I blame the team, not premades.

It is cheating because Blizzard employees have expressly said that getting around the queue limit of 5 people is unfair. That’s it. No other explanation needed. It breaks games and degrades the fun they are trying to design.

From Daxxarri in an Engadget article from 2012. I can’t link it so scroll up to find it.

"f you break it down, what does a full oQueue premade bring to the table that is unfair?

I’ll try to break it down as clearly as I can:

Any addon that enables a full, organized Battleground group to queue against a randomly assembled group is creating a scenario where that coordinated group has a huge advantage. That is not in the spirit of the experience we want to provide in the normal Battleground queue. Playing with friends is fun and important, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of the spirit of the game nor the fun of others.

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

The ultimate effect that this kind of queuing has had is to drive players away from PvP. Perhaps it’s been a long time since you’ve been in a random group, but a lot of players will see that they’re up against a premade and simply quit. At best, they suffer through it. To an extent premade groups count on this. Heck, one of the popular addons announces opposing players that appear to have rage quit.

Addons aren’t really a viable solution for botting issues, but we do take those issues seriously and we’ll continue our work on improvements to the Battleground system, including better ways to deal with botting and other exploitative gameplay."


I don’t do that. If we don’t get in together, so be it, we’ll still have fun. Getting 10+ of us in together is a bonus.

See above.

I highly doubt that but if that’s true this post isn’t about you.

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Yeah, so you’re not actively trying to manipulate a queue. I don’t think others would consider you getting into the same queue by chance as exploiting.

Especially if cross faction queueing was implemented (which I hope it does get implemented) because then you’d have the possibility of fighting against your friends


We almost never have to drop and requeue, because 10+ of us will end up in the same battleground more than 80% of the time. If a split happens, the first group will just enter.

So, you do drop…


You are still trying to get an advantage over the other team that Blizzard has expressly said hurts enjoyment. Stop doing it and just play up to 5 mans or go do rated if you want to queue as a raid.

It sounds like you are not doing it as hardcore as many but still trying to gain advantage.

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  1. Join reated PvP
  2. From your own group
  3. Quit PvP
  4. Quit WoW and give me all your gold

so what option do you pick?

The original post mostly revolves around people who are purposely trying to get a full premade into battlegrounds by sync queueing.

If this isn’t you, then you’re good.

The point is, a synced premade has a huge advantage over a pug group, which people find unfair (it is). It’s not that they’re blaming the loss solely on the fact that they fought a synced premade, but they’re voicing that its unfair to fight against a synced premade as a pug. It’s certainly possible as a pug to beat a synced premade, don’t get me wrong, but synced premades will always have the advantage still.


Ahh yes instead of making the game better for everyone playing fairly we should all just go away… smh this is the narcissistic attitude that is destroying gaming.

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English isn’t my first language. I used the word “almost” to refer to the fact we end up getting the same battleground almost all the time when we queue together. In the event that the “almost” does not occur, the first group that gets to enter the battleground will enter while the others will wait for the next battleground, or leave their current queue and wait for the first group.

If you want to argue semantics, that is on you.

Well English is my first language and saying you almost never do something means you do it but not very often. So, I am not arguing semantics, I am using words by how they work.

It is still an even 40vs40 battleground. One side just happens to be more coordinated, and willing the follow the leader, the other side isn’t as inclined to follow the leader or communicate with each other, and that’s on them. The premade side does not have any “superpower buff” that guarantees them their win. Their only advantage is communication.

I clarified myself, I don’t drop queue, whether you think so or not, that’s on you. At the end of the day, I will continue to queue up with 10+ friends and we’ll end up getting in together 80% of the time, and we’ll continue to have fun, whether you like it or not.

Synced premades can structure their groups the way they want it though. If they want to have 6 healers and 2 tanks, they can certainly distribute the healers and tanks into the different multiple groups they have that they’re syncing. They can also choose higher ilvl players over lower ilvl players, and so forth. There was an Alliance guild/community that did this alot in Shadowlands, you might know them as RUIN.

Pugs don’t have the luxury of guaranteeing a certain amount of healers or even a tank, nor can they choose if they get decent ilvl players or not.

It’s more than just a coordination thing.

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Blizzard has expressly said this is bad for the community and takes away from competition. They have expressly said that by definition in their system makes it an exploit and against the rules.

You are low grade cheating…but still cheating. Any advantage outside of the rules is cheating. If you want to queue as a raid go to rated.

Edit: a caveat, before 2012 this was expressly allowed…it no longer is.

Use your brain and try to do the basic math.

It’s an opinion based on factual observation.

Source? Because they haven’t done anything to stop 5 man groups from quing .

Your opinion that it’s been proven or against the rules is false.

Im pretty sure they changed that to make sure each team has the same number of healers/tanks

I may be wrong or they removed that but I think it was in WoD.