Whether you are for or against the 58 boost, to say “botters won’t use it” is fundamentally flawed on multiple levels. Most arguments against this boil down to these statements, which I will debunk using actual info from real botting forums on wow classic:
1. The boost cost is too high, botters won’t pay that.
Let’s assume the boost cost is same as retail level boost = $60. 60 dollars in terms of classic gold on selling sites is (at the time of writing) around 2,000-3,000 gold. Yes, botters only need to recoup 2-3k gold to pay for their boost. Reading various botting forum, it’s often botters make $300-1000 per month. (Highly variable, but you get the point)
To say botters won’t recoup 2-3k gold thru botting and thus it’s “too expensive” is laughable compared to what they make in a month, and that doesn’t even include all of the benefits the 58 boost brings to botters.
2. Botters can already levelbot 24/7 to 58 in a few days!
Botters often do not work 24/7, becuase it’s an extremely easy way to get banned. Any player logged in for more than 16 hours is likely to be flagged by Warden for review. if you search and find wow classic guides to botting, the NUMBER 1 piece of advice is, do not bot 24/7, because that’s how you get banned quick. Some bots will break this rule of course, but that’s more an exception to the rule.
I’m not going to link to cheating forums but I will quote excerpts from botting guides that touches on this:
"Tips and tricks to stay safe on retail and classic WoW while using the ********* bot
Bot between 2-3 hours a day, splitting up the time if you can i.e. 1 hours during the night and 2 hours in the afternoon (note that ********* has a feature that allows you to quit WoW after x minutes).
“Safe Usage:
I never left the bot running for more than 3 hours, half of the time i would use the ********* feature. Usually *** or **** mins, I advise you make up your own ********* if you wish to use this feature.”
(Blanked out info as to not support or provide info towards any of these services)
As you can see, botters often DO NOT run 24/7. To say botters will level “24/7” to 58 in a few days is wrong. Yes, some botters DO run for a long time, but this is again more of exception, not the rule of how most bots operate.
Secondly, botters often cannot reach max level as fast as a player levelling normally. The answer is twofold: 1, the botting software often doesn’t care about quests and grinds mobs for xp as it’s easier to code that way. 2. Level bots are the most risky bot because it often brings you in direct contact with other players, allowing you to be mass reported and flagged. The loss of an account while levelling is wasted processing power, time and sub cost to account that gained zero money.
3. Botters can just levelbot for free, they don’t need the boost.
Level botting software isn’t free and is often costly as these cheats are constantly updated to evade detection. Level botting software needs a special software to bypass Warden and WoW API to function, and the two most popular of these cost $50 dollars or $24 per month respectfully. This software isn’t a bot program, it’s just designed to bypass WoW API to enable cheats like flyhacking/pathfinding/etc. Then on top of this botters have to either purchase the bot program itself which is often 20-45$ per month or spend even more money hiring someone to design them private software.
So as you can see, level botting software is already expensive, 58 boost will vastly reduce the amount of money botters have to spend botting up to 70 and increase their profits and turnaround much quicker.
I know this thread will devolve into Boost vs Antiboost war, but it’s important to remember: Whatever your opinions on the 58 boost, if you support or hate it, remember that this will be a useful service for botters and we should demand that Blizz takes harsh action against botters and closely investigates purchasers of the 58 boost for signs of illicit activity.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post