Xal'atath Was The Fifth Old God

There are many theories concerning the blade’s creation. The more outlandish claim that it is all that remains of a forgotten Old God who was consumed by its kin in the early days of the Black Empire. Other theories state that Xal’atath is the claw of Y’Shaarj, ripped from the Old God’s monstrous form and bestowed upon its servants for use in ritual sacrifices.

Sauce: Word of the Conclave

Xal’atath says the following as a Priest Weapon:

“We may face some of my brethren in this conflict… a prospect that delights me. Their power will be mine! They will pay for what was done to me long ago.”

That agrees with the “outlandish” theory that Xal’atath was a fifth Old God, eaten by the other four.

And there’s a Page on Chronicle with Old God art featuring five tentacle-monsters: C’thun, Yologg-Saron, Y’shaarj, N’zoth and one we’ve never seen before.

Considering the other four monsters are Old Gods, it stands to reason that the fifth one (which looks a bit like C’thulhu) may be an Old God as well.

(also there’s a really cute Anubisath in the bottom mid of the picture!)

But anyway: I think there’s enough evidence to suggest that Xal’atath was originally a C’thulhu-like Old God that was eaten by the other four in the early days of the Black Empire and became the Knaifu we’ve used so much already.

The end.


Entirely possible. Lets not forget however that the Void Lords literally spammed the Universe with these things to all sorts of worlds, in the hopes of finding world souls. These things are like, the universe’s version of Cancer. We likely aren’t limited to 5 at all, but there are probably far far more out there. Old Gods are literal space cancer.


Proof that brute force is the solution to any problem! :slight_smile:

And it’s crazy to think that two different titan worlds were each hit with multiple Old Gods. Either they’re really lucky or there’s countless thousands of them out there. You can kind of see why Sargeras was so freaked out by it.

Sargeras did nothing wrong!


It’s already been confirmed she was an Old Godess - The other Old Gods teamed up, imprisoned her soul in the Blade of the Black Empire - then devoured her body for power. Xal’Atath’s soul held great power however, and they needed to keep her contained, so they applied seals & bounds (Like the Titans would had later come to have done to them) to achieve such.

There’s a Questline you pick up of which leads you to having Xal’Atath possess a humanoid body - But still bound to the blade; later discovering a temple of N’Zoth and striking a bargain (“Deals? Hehe… I like deals …”) to release the final seal - And hence, was ultimately freed to explore the universe.

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I’d say statically, there is a better chance, based on what we know at least, of their being an almost countless number of them, which yes, would probably make any Titan freak out.

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Nothing is confirmed.

It’s just implied. In the things I linked.


Well, after the Xal’Atath questline when you seek out Anduin (If Alliance) he states: “Another Old God awakened… this does not bode well.”

As you already stated, there’s other sources such as “We may face some of my brethren in this conflict… a prospect that delights me. Their power will be mine! They will pay for what was done to me long ago .”

In regards to N’Zoth breaking the final seal of Xal’Atath, she states
: "Hear me, N’zoth! I bring you a gift!
In exchange, break the final seal, release me!
… As you wish.
You have chosen wisely, mortal.
By coming to me, you have opened yourself to great opportunity.
Your name shall be known in the Black Empire.
We will speak again… soon. "

So I guess you’re right there hasn’t been direct-confirmation, but with the built up lore & references I feel its enough to state it’s practically confirmed. :slight_smile:

I’d like to hope we see more Old Gods / Old Goddesses, but I feel it’s also safe to assume or know that Xal’Atath was definitely one of them.

I’m pretty sure he was talking about N’zoth, since that was our first direct contact with N’zoth ever, in which we stood inside big N himself and he planted an eyeball in our collective foreheads lol


Hmm I guess, but nonetheless the other facts still hold true :stuck_out_tongue:

I love the Old God lore & many others including myself have been wanting an Old God Expansion since Wrath, I hope the next patch doesn’t wrap things up on the whole subject otherwise I’m going to be relatively cheesed off.

And @ Bipzi, I laughed at your video :joy:

Negative, no, full stop.

Blizz has always been pretty much straight up blatent when we are working with an Old God. They say Old God. The NPC’s say Old God. There isn’t any subtle anything. We know when something is an Old God.

I would surmise she is probably closer to being something like Il’gynoth whom the Old Gods were displeased with for some reason and put her in her place. That’s speculation though, and I certainly wouldn’t try and say it’s confirmed.


See? Like SUPER Blatent.

Pretty sure multiple of the Chronicles books stated that only 4 Old Gods made contact with Azeroth.

No one knows where Xal’atath came from. If anything, chances are she’s actually Y’shaarj.

One of the rumors about her is she’s the claw of Y’shaarj. It wouldn’t surprise me if they reveal that Y’shaarj’s consciousness escaped into the her claw, when she was pulled out of Azeroth, knowing she was about to be killed.

It would also explain why the Sha would have spilled out of Y’shaarj - if there was no consciousness in the body, obviously the contents would just spill out.

Actually, I like that theory, so I’ma stick with it. Xal’atath is Y’shaarj.

They never once specified that Y’shaarj was male, nor did they say that we would never see Y’shaarj in WoW. The only thing they’ve EVER said is that the Heart was indeed used up, and Y’shaarj’s presence on Pandaria was gone, and the Sha would disappear.

They’ve never actually stated specifically that Y’shaarj was dead for good. They just said that Y’shaarj was pulled out of Azeroth, and caused the Well of Eternity, and when the titan “killed” it, they realized the Old Gods were too ingrained to pull out the others.

It’s possible the titans had no idea Y’shaarj’s consciousness escaped the body.

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Chronicle Vol 1 states that “a group” of Old Gods hit Azeroth, and then a while after that it numbers four of them.

If five of them landed on Azeroth and four of them ate the fifth one, it would be well within the Chronicle description. There was a group of five but they quickly turned into four lol


If I recall, they also state Y’shaarj was the strongest and most wicked Old God.

Xal’atath has shown to be insanely strong, and literally drove many people crazy simply by wielding her too long.

So I’ll stick with my theory for now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Driving people crazy is not thaaaaaaaaat hard.

IRL people go crazy without Old Gods lol


Mortis be like “here’s my analysis of eldritch beings and also LOOK A PUPPY!”

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Well… poop. That moment when something was in front of you the whole time and you never saw it. It’s got this bones and vines motif that’s rather unique.

The real question is, will we be able to turn our knaifu into a force for good with the power of our love?

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Every single one of us could love her every day and she would still be evil.

Love doesn’t unevil people. They just become well-loved evil people.

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