N'zoth, Blade of the Black Empire

The dagger once housed Xal’atath, the fifth Old God, eaten by the other four in the early days of the Black Empire.

More information here:

Now Wrathion stabbed N’zoth with it, and we get to see energy going in the dagger. Then the dagger disappears.

I think it’s safe to assume N’zoth made a backup lol


huumm can it be? so N’zoth still here?

The dagger seems to act like a diabolical genie lamp. Except instead of wishes it’s eyeballs and tentacles.

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Funny how Xal’atath herself is not part of 8.3

Will she try to conquer shadowlands.

Xal’atah isn’t confirmed to be a old god. Just an entity of the void gods related to them somehow.

I’m hoping we get some Old God takeover 2.0 while we are all away in the Shadowlands.

She isn’t confirmed but heavily implied.

1 - The Priest Class Hall tome says it’s a possibility.

There are many theories concerning the blade’s creation. The more outlandish claim that it is all that remains of a forgotten Old God who was consumed by its kin in the early days of the Black Empire. Other theories state that Xal’atath is the claw of Y’Shaarj, ripped from the Old God’s monstrous form and bestowed upon its servants for use in ritual sacrifices.

2 - Xal’atath herself calls the Old Gods her “brethren” and wants payback for what they did to her.

“We may face some of my brethren in this conflict… a prospect that delights me. Their power will be mine! They will pay for what was done to me long ago .”

And the WoW Chronicle art page about Old Gods has five of them.


I like this theory.


Investigate: Has anyone mentioned it looks like a C’Thraxxi?

This actually makes total sense.

Xal’atath must be giggling manically at this turn of events.

You’re right, it kind of does.

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This map goes against the idea, showing the elements vs old gods and there wasn’t a fifth one here. This 5th old god only ever is seen in the chronicles thing, nowhere else.


Obviously Xal’atath didn’t get land due to the slight detail of her being mostly eaten by the other four, save for a single claw.

Claws don’t own land.

If you die but leave a nail behind people won’t let your nail keep your house lol

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If all that was left of her was a claw, why isnt’t she represented as such? She’s shown as a dagger. It could have been “Xalatah, claw of the black empire”.

They made the dagger with the claw.

The “Upgraded” Xal’atath appearance shows her original claw form.

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But the Titans created the fifth. So it could also be G’huun.

G’huun looks nothing like that. He is the sixth lol

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I assumed what we saw wasn’t all of G’huun. Just like we’ve never seen all of the Old Gods. They are kinda embedded into the planet.

And I did say “could” be. I wasn’t dismissing your theory.

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Investigate: It struck me! What if they’re following the third Diablo’s story! Xal’atath’s dagger is the Black Soulstone!

Investigate: But then who becomes corrupted?

Statement: Sorry, that was a weird thing to say.

I doubt blizzard is capable of writing something like this

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