X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

I wonder why this post got flagged? :thinking:

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Because he used a f word with some * in order to provide a more emotional response, I totally understand but its against ToS. It’s still a great comment from Safeguard.

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Hi Akariliselle,

We’re still doing 30-50-70s per day, former member Artemisha did 70 this year, this wasn’t solve at all and we don’t see any progress for our attempts.

Why not guaranteed at some point? Your idea will be 100% in 100 years…why some cosmetics don’t have the same approach like the legendaries with a BLP that increase the % for the character grinding it, so the effort perform provides progress.

I’ll recommend you to check post from Artemisha on this topic:

I hope the CC works better with this batch not because of the players but Blizzard approach to the feedback tool, they keep ignoring a lot of good threads.

Also, I’d recommend you to check the last community council live chat during December after Hallow’s end, the Council asked for better approach after Arfus and we got the same bad low rng items as rewards.

I’m glad there’s someone already providing more feedback for collectors, maybe I won’t agree but its feedback.


that’s like saying mythic raiding pushes people to do insane split farming and play 20 hours a day, just because some people at the extreme end do that.

That’s why I said “some”, Dev design has an intend, players will find ways to do things even if those imply some gameplay / bahaviour that others will consider negative, the case you provided its exactly the same, Devs could do something to block those splits for those players if they want to, they should look for the best approach for the whole community, what’s the most fun and rewarding experience.

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Any chance Blizzard will ever actually announce what the word “significantly” means in their dictionary?


That doesn’t sound healthy…

what you’ve just identified is an exaggeration for humorous effect :slight_smile:

Who’s to say the current approach isn’t what’s best for the whole community?

For all who complain here I’m sure it’s not, but I’m equally sure there’s a silent segment of the community who’re relieved that they can limit their attempts to 1 per day and then go do other things.

However, They didn’t limit the attempts to 1 per day, plenty of players got it in the X attempt of the day last event, a lot of collectors are still doing huge amount of attempts and that was determined as an issue from Chimes back in 2022.

The whole fix with 1 attempt boosted didn’t change the event at all, its just that now few more players got the mount but the RNG is still there in a massive way for a limited time event. Besides that the same pattern is being apply to new rewards like Arfus and the saddles, that’s why we got a wowhead post yesterday about RNG in holiday events.

As you mentioned , there’s players that now limit their attempts to 1 but those are players that don’t have the same perspective about collecting…there’s N kind of players and that’s difficult to get for Devs but its a game, they should prioritize the fun and reward aspect and that’s being left behind with these events.



I’ve largely given up on super rare items, because they’re not fun. the devs seem to have lost the concept of “fun”.


Exactly, I don’t only complain about the low rng involve and that I don’t have the mount after 10+ years…the boss fight is awful compared to other games (mmorpgs…etc) activities for holidays. Even OW has better holidays.

I expected a better holiday upgrade and using low RNG drops as the only approach for these event is really bad, I’d like to spam a pvp brawl with holiday themathic or some pve content that’s actually fun.

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If I recall correctly, I missed the first 2 days of the event this year simply because I was playing other things and forgot about it / forgot to check in. But for the other 12 days of this 14 day event, I did the dungeon every single day on 9 characters.

That’s 12 attempts with the boosted chance, and a whopping 96 attempts with the regular chance, and STILL didn’t get the mount. And that’s not including that I’ve been trying for years to get this damned mount, with my typical years having anywhere between 1 and 3 characters (sometimes more) being eligible for the box that drops it.

I did the exact same thing with the last Halloween event. 9 characters for most of the event (maybe missing 1 or 2 days at the start), and I finally got the mount 1 or 2 days before the event ended when I was nearing my final attempt for the day.

This obsession with RNG is absolutely ridiculous. It’s frustrating and it doesn’t respect players’ time. Holiday events should be FUN and something people look forward to. Not an exercise in frustration at spending ludicrous amounts of time for the hope that the RNG gods bless you with that single% chance to get some holiday goodies. And it’s worse when they keep adding more and more holiday items to this obtainment method. It also seems like every time they add a new event, especially these limited time events, they lean in more and more on RNG exclusively.

Holiday events should really be using deterministic rewards. But if they’re determined to keep the RNG, then at least make it possible to acquire those same rewards via other methods (WITHOUT making it an intolerable grind). Especially if the “boss” that drops said rewards is a complete facestomp with little to no challenge involved.


I don’t agree since this change still didn’t get the mount for players in 2 years now. First attempt or nth attempt still feels bad to not get it year after year. I think if anything it made some players even more upset.

I guess I just don’t view it as necessary to be able to obtain every cosmetic item in the game. I mean I have a bunch of mounts and unique pets, but only really care about gathering a few specific ones instead of collecting them all. Not that there’s anything wrong with that if that’s what someone enjoys, but I don’t necessarily think that every cosmetic should be guaranteed. Sometimes RNG can just be RNG. That being said I’d be open to adjusting drop rates and stuff, the 1%, 2%, etc was just an example.

I guess part of it is perhaps like the new legendary system. The drops were common enough that people actually expected to get the drops and were super frustrated when they didn’t. This is very different from the original days where a raid was lucky if they got one and it was a really cool event. I’m not saying the old system was better than the new system, but it’s about expectations.

If people expect to get something, they will get frustrated when they don’t get it instead of being pleasantly surprised when they do. So many items can be 100% obtainable through holiday currency and the like, but if they have one or two items that are super rare, I won’t be mad.

But I will be honest that I haven’t done a lot of the holiday type events in recent years. I got burnt out on them after completing What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been a while back. I know they have revamped several of them recently and I should check them out. If the lack of bad luck protection on the limited time items is really causing a lot of the player base issues, maybe that is something that can be addressed and fixed.


Different kind of players, different goals…the problem is that with the current format based on pure RNG with limited attempts, that’s not a goal that you can target or see progress, I already did 2 years of 50+ alts every day and I don’t have any progress towards that reward, same for other collectors.

We’ve to think all the aspects of RNG: Drop % , Attempts…etc and also include the most important factor, Is it fun?

I checked holiday events in other MMORPGs and there’s a focus on providing an experience to the player instead of a slot machine.

Exactly, a lot of rewards became a fustrating experience overtime, instead of a good one. maybe you won’t be mad for cosmetics in holiday but there’s any amount of type of players that want X/Y item for a specific reason and rarity could be preserved depending on the bad luck protection applied.

You should check the events, personally I don’t feel like Blizzard dedicated enough resources to these events.


Nice comment Ravji :ok_hand: we want fun events and actual goals…not handouts but progress and other mmorpgs do better,WoW should improve.


There is nothing to tolerate, even the CC shouldn’t be immune to flame baiting, which your previous post blatantly did.



I prefer wow a zillion times more than 14- but Blizzard devs could learn about fun by seeing how they do Holidays and events.


The “revamps” are a step in the right direction but I wouldn’t honestly call what we’ve seen so far revamps but more just additional modifiers towards getting the things you want at a potentially faster rate.

However it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. Especially, like I said, how some players have been chasing the Love Rocket for 14 years. A revamp to me means a whole new take on something old which the biggest revamp in terms of area and content has been the Love is in the Air event however the dungeon itself remains the same boring loot pinata of disappointment. And the quests are just additional ways to get tokens without the farm of the charm bracelet fiasco.

Hallow’s End was hardly a revamp outside of an additional Hard Mode Modifier for the dungeon alone.

I’m a little wary about the upcoming Noble Garden given that it seems there is a new boss related to the event as well as a potential mount drop from it.