WoW in-game pride event similar to other games?

They don’t have to name it Pride event, they can just make up something, just like Chinese new year event.

Peace day: where both factions stop fighting for the day and just… idk, chill.


Steve Danuser is literally god in regards to Warcraft lore. He doesn’t need to write it down for it to be so. There are no instances of homophobia in Warcraft lore, so it doesn’t exist. You’d need to provide an example of it happening to showcase its existence.

Do you have an example of where homophobia existed in Warcraft?

Homosexuality existed in Warcraft since 2008.

“Sentinel Sweetspring flutters her large eyebrows suggestively at Sentinel Amberline from across the camp.”

Sentinel Sweetspring has been openly flirting with another Night Elf woman since 2008. Maybe they’re just roommates? :rofl:


Weird, the WoW token thread was yoinked but this one was unflagged.


I’m sorry this is continuing :frowning: I think I’m just going to log back out and stop reading the forums for a while. No reason for me to manage an ignore list if trolling is allowed to run rampant anyways.


Why are there two threads about the same exact topic from the exact same poster? Doesn’t this qualify as spam from this poster now?


It’s really telling that people like Rudly doesn’t count NPC’s like those and think it has never existed before, despite all the evidence given to them, and despite the fact that the lead narrative designer is literally against homophobia, their still able to go… “Well… nuh-uh…”

And i’m over here wondering what is there to be gained about this?..

Blizzard, as well Tulln and the rest of the “Fake progressives”, have some severely messed up priorities and also has a tendency to side with radical capitalism.


No sadly since the other one is a month old and got necro’d by a different character.

Clearly the T’s 20+ pride/lgbtq+ threads are all in good faith. I mean how could someone even think about talking about something related to the game like tokens.

Oh Good God…

I was hoping to go at least a week with out hearing from the T squad. Hopefully this thread will go the way of the others.


Oh damn, never made the connection.

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Being only a level 10 you may not know this… buuuut when you play the game, all kinds of gear goes into your inventory and you can transmog into a big a rainbow as you want to be… just sayin.

Look at this tweet that was liked by Chris Metzen

I wonder who tweeted that?!

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It’s still weird that you feel the need to prove and point out your credentials as if this is some sort of ticket. And it’s even more weird if you’re part of the community and don’t realize the harm these threads are causing.


Let’s say they do implement an ingame pride event because of these “troll” thread, would you be upset or happy/thankful?

I’d ignore it as I do other events. I have no interest in it.


I’d be pretty indifferent cause I have my own set of beliefs about pride, but I’d be happy for people who will enjoy them. My point here is that we have a megathread though, we should be talking about these things there.


Ok then it doesn’t affect you, so your stance is neutral.

You’d also be neutral.

See, this event is positive to some, and neutral to others, so adding it is a net positive after all.

FF doesn’t have a company-driven Pride event. Anything that does happen is community driven. So… hup hup.

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No, I don’t like things and events shoved in my face. If I choose to participate, that’s my business.

anyhow… why am I replying to a low post nobody…

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That doesn’t help them they know that thread would make sure they got flagged and reported, and removed from it. Notice how all the threads that didn’t get 404’d back when they first got flagged as spam are popping back up. It’s all random low levels doing the necromancy