WoW in-game pride event similar to other games?

I am playing an old classic that I love to go back to this part of this year because of pride month. The LGBT community in Runescape is very friendly and they are blessed to be given an in-game event that rewards players with rainbow gear and cosmetics. The event lasts all month.

Could we have something like this in World of warcraft? It could be a very similar event and have lots of cosmetics and rainbow styled. I’m a bit shocked that we don’t have anything to celebrate pride with this month as an in-game event as other games already do this.

What’s everyones idea on the pride event for other games and how could Blizzard use that to make a pride related event in-game? :rainbow_flag:


I have no idea what you are referring to,but here we go again.

Let’s just give you rainbow gear colors.


You can search it up to learn more! It’s very exiciting and it’s a mini-event for a different game. I’m just making a comparison to hopefully spark some ideas!


Just read up on the quests, looks like it was added this year according to the Runescape Wiki.

You run around and do some quests for various NPCs who are part of the LGBT+ community. It looks like a nice event.

I think it’d be cool if Blizzard had something like that. Make it like a mini-holiday of sorts.


I would agree,we do need more events for communities but they could’ve done that already within their community without the help of Blizzard.

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I thought Proudmoore does a parade? Unsure if they still do, but when I was there, I could have sworn there was a parade or something during Pride month.

Also I think OP wanted something like quests/cosmetics like Runescape has.

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Maybe with the new team and time they may.

or put your own time in and make events op it’s not hard. the parades we had were quite nice everyone in discord together tons of free stuff given out from gold to tcg mounts but nah you waste your time here imagine what you could of already did as much as you are here. why should blizz do anything when you do absolutely nothing. can’t dog blizz when you do nothing.


I knew I remember Proudmoore having a parade of sorts!

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I was standing around in town in FF14 the other day and a massive pride parade went through lol.

I’m an actual irl gay person (you can check my twitter account to see that I have a long history of being gay) and I definitely agree we need a pride parade event added to the game as an official event, just like Valentine’s Day and Christmas and Halloween!


It’s telling that you care more about keeping up your charade than the harm you and your friends/alts are doing to LGBT+ people as detailed in my previous post in your continuing to support and condone these troll posts that do nothing but harm. I’m sick of seeing LGBT+ people on the forums hurt because of you.


we have nothing to celebrate it in game because homophobia and thus pride has no reason to exist and would break immersion and put in something in game that would not fit into the world of warcraft.

Pride month is not a holiday in the sense that other events in wow are. It is a social creation specific to the oppression and need for equal rights of the LBGTQ+ from actual oppression and discrimination.

Again something even wow creators says is not a thing nor ever been a thing in wow so again. IT has no place in wow other then forced pandering or due to a misguided selfish attempt to shoehorn in social political group messages.

If your specific group gets an even then so should the hundereds of others and putting in RL things like this again destroys the game fantasy.

I highly doubt putting a pride even into say Lord of the Rings would make sense… it would confuse and destroy the immersion of a fantasy world purely to “make gay people relate to this world”
Which is ridiculous. You don’t need pride month in a game to feel included. Find a community or friends and make your own event in game.
You shouldn’t be “shocked” its been explained to you plenty through the 4 ore so posts youve made asking for this… common sense not apart of wow lore or fantasy.
If you care that much about it then play Runescape. Wow has toys that do rainbow and there’s plenty of colorful transmogs to wear.

Maybe once wow turns into a has been like runescape it will throw out its remaining lore and give you all the rainbow you could want, they already killed any reputation with Diablo so its likely possible you will get to buy something from the shop.


just because you say youre something does not give you some kind of license to insert your ideologies into games that require lore and story to engage. Zandrae said it best

so will quote that last part for extra emphasis


Okay well I’m not inserting an ideology or whatever, I’m saying I agree with another poster’s idea that Blizzard should add an LGBT pride event to the game!

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The darkmoon fair happened recently…

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I disapprove this message


Kind of a shallow reason to play an old classic, but okay.

Well good for them. I personally think they could ask more then simply being pandered too because of their identity.

But it’s funny that i actually did look up this event, and one of things i see was… :point_down:

Gilbert’s Colours was a very controversial event. Upon announcement of the event on Mod Wolf’s Twitter account, it had many mixed opinions in the Old School RuneScape community, so much so that it received outside media coverage.[1]

And following that was an article that essentially that people were upset that something like this does not fit into an old medieval setting like what Runescape, especially a classic one, is suppose to be. Or that it’s causing division in the community where… that doesn’t sound like a mark of a good event. I’m sure it’s good now a-days, but if it’s able to cause division back then, instead of universal agreement, maybe it’s not the best to put it in here.

I mean WoW is already progressive enough, and yet you’re spitting on that.

Does “Homophobia is not Canon” mean nothing to you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Nobody in the game’s lore cares if your gay or not. Why are you trying to attempt to undermine that either making it redundant or gone in favor for homophobia just so you can have your event?

You just named like one game, and yet you’re using this as a basis for other games.

They can’t. Homophobia isn’t canon remember? :point_down:

…Here’s an idea, an entire month where both LGBT and Straight people line up and taking turns slapping you and Tally wally across the faces for your harmful homophobic ideas. :laughing:

Pretty much this. :point_up:

Well, I think that one of the one of the things that we’ve done in Shadowlands in a lot of different ways is try to really show that Azeroth as a whole represents the inclusiveness of the real world - the diversity of the real world. We’ve spent a lot of time creating the character customization options that you’ve seen go into the game and, you know, humans in particular.

It’s really awesome now that players will be able to create characters that more represent themselves, or the diversity of the world, and we’ll see that woven into the populations of places. And part of that also includes the representation for other perspectives on gender or sexuality. And while Warcraft is not a game that’s about those things - it’s a heroic adventure - we want players to be able to see themselves reflected in these characters, and a lot of different perspectives, and maybe it’s an opportunity to see the world through someone else’s eyes, rather than just your own.

Pelagos is a great example of a character that we think people will like, regardless of what you know about his background. He’s hardworking. He’s determined. He’s lovable. He tries really hard to do the right thing - and those are noble qualities no matter how you identify or how you look at the world. But it is also an opportunity to tell a really cool story about him, and we’ll be delving into that more through the patches and things like that through our content updates.

I think it’s a valuable thing that we show these different perspectives on Azeroth and want to really make clear that, you know, there’s people who sometimes say, “Well, Warcraft is this medieval fantasy game and those kinds of things weren’t talked about in medieval times, so they shouldn’t be in Azeroth,” but I disagree with that.

I think that Azeroth is a world of magic and a world of possibilities, and one of the things that’s really important to know is that, in Azeroth, you can love who you want, you can identify yourself the way that you want, and all of those things are possibilities. We just want the game to be able to reflect that through it storylines, and through its character customization options, and we’re really excited about that.


That is not the lore. That is an interview with a developer.

I understand that the developer writes the lore, but nothing in WoW explicitly states that homophobia doesn’t exist. There is no acknowledgement of that in-game.

Steve Danuser is the Lead Narrative Designer.

That’s because nobody in-game has a problem with gay people.

Either way, this is somebody over at Blizzard pretty much confirming that their not going to write anything homophobic for the gay people. Not to mention there wasn’t even any homophobia to begin with. Everybody was already getting along prior and after Steve stepped in.