What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

I’ve been brainstorming ideas for pride month and I was thinking Org and Stormwind could have a quest giver that gives out an introductory quest for LGBT pride month that shows the significance of the movement and their achievements. After completing the quest, the player is given a colorful tabard and a shirt.

A cutscene will play after with NPC’s in Stormwind/Org walking down the street with a pride flag and fireworks going off in the background. This would than transition into the game and players are welcome to attend and participate in the event with similar activities in other events like using fireworks and some mini-games.

Any suggestions or ideas on what you’d like to see for in-game activities to help celebrate pride?



I’d consider it an insult to my intelligence, for Blizzard to pretend they care.


Do we not already have the darkmoon faire? It’s all about celebrating diversity and having fun.


Why do you feel the need to inject your sexual preferences into the game. No.


Things like homophobia have been confirmed to not be a thing in the wow universe.
Therefor azeroth would not hold pride.

We do not need something like this in the game.


There is no lore that indicates that being LGBT+ in wow had ever been criminalized. Ergo, something like the Stonewall riots would have never happened. Ergo, there would be no liberation movement and no pride month.

Please choose a different target to troll instead of us LGBT+ people.

Also, PSA:


Yet another thread about this, just make your own in game event. If it gets enough attention in time, Blizz might make it an official in game event. Please though, stop trying to push Blizz to make it an in game event and shoving it in our faces.


Running of the Trolls Charity Event Today - Donations for The Trevor Project - Wowhead News

Go to the feathermoon server and get your information for this years event. Join, interact, be social. There is a discord posted where you can join, talk to people, make friends.


Do you ever think about anything other than your sexual orientation? Like, do you, you know… have any other hobbies? This kind of obsession isn’t healthy.


Nothing is needed. Up to this point Azeroth does not seem to value the same things our world does. I want events that make sense in Azeroth, not some forced thing to show how much Blizzard ‘cares’.


That’s what happened with the Running of the Gnomes charity event. So given enough time and popularity, it could happen with another.

I’m not familiar with darkmoon faire, but a pride event would be drastically different from even the theme alone.

Try organising o community led event and maybe Blizzard will pick it up.

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People have been telling him to do this, probably in almost every single thread he has made about this, he refuses to take that advice and keeps pushing for Blizz to do it so everyone has to see it and deal with it, rather than just the people he would get on board. He won’t stop until it’s shoved in our faces.


They won’t. It’s like asking them to sponsor the world first raid races…its too controversial and would cause a PR nightmare.

Always figured it looked like that butterfly and moose parade in the Ardenweld campaign.

LGBT is not just about sexual activity. It’s about relationships, finding your life partner and being allowed to live your life as a free and equal citizen of what are suppose to be a free countries.


Instead of wondering why not create one on your server and maybe advertise it on the LBGTQ+ mega thread inviting people in there to make a toon on your server to celebrate it with you .

Hey the idea to have multiple people join a server for an event has been going on with the Running of the Gnomes (Scarlet Crusade Server ) for over a decade.

It has gotten to the point where Blizz as well as some game publications advertise it.

Sometimes you need to be the change you want to get the ball rolling .


They already do it. Pride run on the Proudmoore server.

Yup, Which is more than enough.