Wow account banned permanently - edit - account unbanned after multiple appeals

This seems to indicate that they have evidence that your account received illicit gold. This doesn’t necessarily mean you bought gold directly. It could also mean you obtained gold from other players (who themselves got it illicitly) through unsupported activities. GDKP runs are probably the most frequent way this happens, but not exclusively. I’m not going to speculate on other ways to do this, but I will say that gold laundering is a thing.

Anyway, there are a metric ton of red flags here, just based on what we see which is comparatively very little. I’m going to avoid speculating if you were aware illicit stuff was going on, or if you just took advantage of deals that seemed too good to be true.

To touch on this, “ban evasion” can be a thing, in the sense of getting banned on a forum account, then hopping to another to continue the arguing/trolling/etc, especially if it’s directed at a Blue. It’s not really called “ban evasion”, though.

But Teuf’s point is someone asking an honest question, seeking an honest clarification is never a problem. If one account was banned and the player doesn’t understand why, posting on a second account is perfectly fine.


I wish that was the case but I’ve played solo with no direct trading with players since BFA. I raided in a progression guild (no carries or paid spots) for part of BFA and then played solo since. The only buying or selling I do is through the AH for crafting mats. My classic gameplay is more varied but consists of solo leveling or Argent Tournament dailies.

Here’s a weird question….is it possible that anyone else has access to your account or log in information, like a family member ?

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I did check through a few months worth of login data dates/times. No unusual logins and no family members or friends have my login info.

Edit: Another idea, I did buy a wow Token 2 days before I was banned. (Bought March 19th and banned March 21st) I used the token to add 30 days game time. Likely the day I bought the token I started with <10,000 gold and later that day had crafted and vendored enough items to cover the 280,000 gold for the token. My character that bought the token has little gold on hand but over 1 million gold of mats waiting to be crafted.

Another ticket, another plea
The case is closed and I should flee

Check my logs, I play legit
20 years with no infractions I submit
If the logs don’t fit you must acquit

Hello, my name is Jason
Please reopen the investigation

Another ticket with no action taken
Blizzard support making me feel forsaken
I am innocent, do not be mistaken

I’ve followed the rules
Only used in game tools

341 tokens bought
Legitimately I thought
It does seem like a lot
I’ll buy more, just unblock

If not my time in Azeroth comes to a close
Twenty years gone, that’s just how it goes


While I applaud the creativity in this post, if they have told you the matter is closed, then that is the final answer.

If they haven’t reached that point, and simply upheld the previous findings, then you are able to continue appealing until they say the decision is final.

Either way, posting here will do nothing. You must appeal through a Support ticket. This forum is not a means to bypass the ticket queue.


If they told you the case is closed and will not entertain any other appeals then your done. Afraid they found good reason to ban your account. Your more then welcome to open or use another account.


You are only speculating that your purchase of wow tokens was the cause of your account action. Blizzard did not tell you this was the cause.


I’ve speculated in this thread
After the game left me on read

About how I got a ban
After twenty years of being a fan

I can only hope for a positive appeal
And I’ll need to wait for any reveal


They didn’t “leave you on read”. They responded. The answer may not have been what you wanted, but they responded.

And if you have progressed to the point where they said the decision is final, then no, they will not respond anymore. That is what they mean by “the decision is final”.


My activities are pretty mundane
I’ll share what I do on my main

Buying mats off the Auction House
Looking for deals, quiet as a mouse

Crafting cloth and magic was my domain
Disenchanting and selling for gain

Classic gameplay was more varied
Solo levelling and never carried

Doing dailies at the Argent Tournament
Building up my heirloom armament


It doesn’t matter what you say you do
There’s nothing we can do for you

A Support ticket is what you need
It’s the only way to proceed

This forum is not to plead your case
Please follow the policies in place

I know it seems like the worst
If their decision is not reversed

But posting here does not effect change
Please continue with the ticket exchange


Your reply has warmed my heart
I’ll wait patiently and end this lark

I’ll stop bumping this post for now
I’ve had my fun and can wipe my brow

I’m just surprised it hasn’t been deleted by wow
Thank you moderators for not acting like Mao


Thanks for the link. I had to go to page 17 to find out when I started using tokens for game play. I started in April of 2015 and have survived on tokens ever since. Of course I have plenty of services purchased with $$ over the years, so they are still getting bunches of $$ from me.

lol even links to aren’t allowed here unless TL3 or TL4 whatever is the top level.


What if I am guilty, let’s say someone bought gold and maliciously sent it to my character to get me banned? I don’t read my mail and just click open all. I have a constantly full mailbox as I buy and sell through the AH.

Honestly who would do that? Would say you need to check your mail more often and if something like that is found report it asap.

Do i believe that NO sorry i do not and doubt blizzard would either

The GMs can see where the go to/lead from, how often is X person in contaxt with someone and what amounts. Blizzard doesn’t blindly action folks that some believe them to do.


People (or bots) have sent other players malicious gold, so thiis unfortunately has happened to some. While it doesn’t mean that it’s going to 100% safeguard you, the best practice is to report it immediately. Of course, it’s a good idea to be mindful of the mail you’re accepting, but that doesn’t always happen.

By reporting it immediately, that helps to create a “paper trail,” as it were. If for some reason you do get sanctioned for it, then you can point back to ticket where you reported it and were trying to address the situation once you discovered it. A recent case had a GM able to go in and remove the gold from the unsuspecting player’s inventory.


Thank you for sharing, I’ll add this information into my current appeal.