Randomly sent gold by a stranger in WoW classic

Someone randomly sent me a large sum of gold in the mail along with a grey item and I was wondering if its okay to take it? Some of my friends are saying it could possibly be seen as RMT and potentially get me banned… I tried returning it but the player doesn’t respond at all. What should I do here?

It could very well be tainted, they’re not wrong.

If returning isn’t an option, just let it expire.

I can’t as I already took it out by accident after purchasing some things from the auction… I have an addon that auto loots mail.

It’s not a guaranteed safeguard by any means, but you may want to shoot in a ticket to be a little proactive.

I’m not 100% that this is the most ideal path? But it’ll do at least until the SFAs get back in the morning.


Just make it clear that you have an auto-loot add-on that took the gold from an unknown source rather than it being left to sit in your mailbox. You didn’t solicit it and you may even want to link this forum thread as well to establish you came here worried about it. You can ask if they would remove the gold from your inventory.

Even if you do get sanctioned, you’ve got this “paper trail”, as it were. That’s again not to say that you’re completely safe from being sanctioned, but you are trying to deal with it rather than just chilling with this excess gold.


I see your ticket, Kadruk - thank you.

Under these circumstances, that is exactly the right thing to do.


Thank you for the response. My ticket was answered and the gold was in fact from a “bad source” The gold was removed from my inventory and thankfully the GM left a “note” (saying something I assume along the lines of I didn’t want it.) If anyone else encounters this issue and is sent gold mistakenly I recommend doing the same and opening a ticket and reporting it as it seems likely (According to reddit and other sources after investigating.) to lead to a suspension even if you take it and did not actually participate in any RMT deal.


I’m so glad you got a response and the issue addressed! It goes through fits and spurts of being a thing and then dropping off, only to rear it’s head again. Jumping right on it is the best thing you could possibly do, especially when they’ve been cracking down hard on people who not only directly buy illegal gold, but also people who are often times on the receiving end of said illegal gold, whether they realize it or not.

Good luck to you! ^^


I got banned for a similar reason but have been unable to contact a real person in the support team i accepted the gold thinking it was a guild alt thanking me for an addon i made for them and got banned within a day lol.

The appeals team won’t talk about the account action, or how you felt about it. All the appeal does is asking them to look at the logs again.



You should be able to appeal the account action https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/166944


Blizzard’s appeal process does not include a real time conversation with a GM. The ticket is an opportunity to have someone double check the flags on your account and/or logs. If the flags appear correct, or the logs indicate you violated the rules, they uphold it and use a template to respond.

You can appeal until they tell you no more will be accepted for that issue. If you feel this was an accident, unsolicited from someone you never interacted with before, etc. say that in your appeal. If nothing else, hopefully a ban can be reduced to a suspension - if what you say is true.

Always return, delete, and/or report unsolicited gold that shows up. If it was your friend they can always re-send it after you check with them to verify they were the ones who sent it.

I don’t open strange packages on my porch either. Stay safe!


Yeh i had lost hope in getting my issue resolved and have learnt a valuable lesson from the experience. it is just a shame it is something i have gotten punished so harshly for because of an honest mistake in order to have learnt it.

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What I suspect happened is someone with a name similar to yours bought gold. And the gold seller sent it to you by mistake instead of the intended recepient. Something like an autocomplete error. But yes, stuff like this is highly suspect, especially when you said there was a grey item with it. Grey items sold at inflated values are a MASSIVE red flag for gold selling.

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To add on to your information with some of my own experiences here, I used to get random single copper unintelligible game mail sent to me. I always would send it back. Maybe what you are supposing is the next step up here for sellers?

Yeah…I don’t know what’s going on with the single copper mails. That seems counterproductive. But I don’t know everything there is to know about gold sellers. I just know it’s a multi billion dollar criminal enterprise that is also involved in identity theft, terrorist financing, and credit card fraud. They come up with all kinds of ways to try to trick the system.


Maybe waiting to see what mail got bounced back, could help indicate a forgotten account? Or if it got returned early/claimed then they would know it was active and could message them about potential sales?

Yeah I dunno, seems weird to me too. Only they know how their games work I guess.

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I’ve had a few of these “1c” mailings…
I just return to sender… I figure it is a ploy to see if the account is active or something who knows.

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Sorry to drag up this thread but some random person just sent me a bunch of gold to in Retail. Can I keep it or does it need to be removed from my account?

Submitted a ticket like the last guy did

Id delete it if its large ammount theres probably a ticket option but im not sure what.

Wont let me. Some random person sent me Half a Million Gold with a letter saying “ty” thats is. Seems the person who sent it “no longer exist”