Wow account banned permanently - edit - account unbanned after multiple appeals

About a week ago my wow account was banned permanently for a RMT exchange. I assumed it was a phishing email but when I tried to logged in it was clear I was banned.

After putting in an appeal (web ticket only, chat and phone calls are unavailable) and receiving responses that the decision was final it is pretty disheartening as I’ve never sold or bought gold, never joined or ran any GDKP raids/dungeon, never hosted or had characters boosted or had gold traded or mailed to my characters except from my own alts.

The only gold I’ve given away was to a few real life friends to buy heirloom gear and used blizzard balance to gift game time or other blizzard games. I looked through my transaction history and have bought 341 wow tokens since 2018. Gold earned was through farming materials, crafting and trading on the AH. Most recently I craft tailor bracers in retail, disenchant them and either sell for raw gold or put the mats on the AH. I’ve never used automated gameplay such as botting or mouse clickers or multibox software. All crafting/farming was done by myself.

Reading through the forums many others have had similar issues with Blizzard support and accounts being banned. I’ve played WoW on and off since 2004 but looks like I’ve hit my expiration date.

Has anyone had success in overturning a permanent ban? Ticket is US97983019


damn. why you buying so many tokens for?? lol


Giving out your ticket number is probably not the wisest decision.

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prolly bot accounts :')

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inb4 “It’s against ToS to post about actions taken on the forums” … what are they gonna do, ban him again?!?

That sucks dude (or dudette). I’ve heard similar complaints over the years. I was banned once for botting after I got hacked when I wasn’t playing hardly at all for a while. But I obviously got my account back.

Hope all this works out for you.


I’m going to bold this so it’s not lost in the “OMG why r u buying so much?!” stuff.

You’ll want to move this to Customer Support.



That’s like 7000 dollars!


Who keeps track of how many they buy too?

Like I get one every so often but I don’t go around counting how many wow tokens I get!

No one can do anything with it. lol


i won’t assume bro is guilty b/c when DF started crafters were reporting each other for undercutting one another and getting others bannd so i could see how the system /could/ be rigged.

to be fair he said he looked at his transaction history.


Ah ok got you I missed that section.

Said he checked his transactions so probably got the numbers from Blizzard.

But yeah, 341 tokens?! Wth, man. Blizzard might be doing you a favor there.


What started out as playing WoW for free turned into a goal of buying a dozen friends Diablo 4. I also spent plenty of the balance on Hearthstone, Diablo Immortal andDiablo 4.

I was joking for the most part. but for them to have a perma close on an account, you had to do something sinister, or repeat offenses on something.

Which you know lots of posts like this just play victim about

for sure.

Thats one way to do it.

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ive already decided if they ban my account, Im not fighting it either. I’ll take it as my kick in the rump to go spend my time doing better things.
I go out of my way to not break rules in game, so if they cant keep their auto ban crap in control, I’ll just assume it was my time to go, lol


Not necessarily. Cheating or botting will do it on first offense. OP needs to keep appealing to get it escalated up. But he needs to move this to CS. He won’t get any help here. It’s all just “hur dur so many tokens!”

Something sinister falls in the line of botting, you know something you shouldn’t be doing. But again why would you need so many tokens in so short of a time frame, I would flag that account and investigate it too.

Holy moly, I bought 65 WoW tokens across classic and wrath (and a span of 8 years). I even budgeted this but it seems crazy. $1400 on digital pebbles rofl

Thanks for telling me to check the transaction history, I think I’m going to take the 2 WoW tokens every 3 months out of the budget.

Check your transaction history here if you’re interested.

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I snorted water out my nose