Will it be possible to level thru bgs in prepatch? I heard thats a thing but im. NOt sure
I think it’s possible, as you will gain XP, but not nearly as much as through questing or even dungeon grinding.
Yes, I believe level 60-70 AV will be popular.
Like killing the harpies possible ? Lmao
Yes, here’s blue post info for you:
It should be available on the PTR/Beta soon. The “Experience Eliminators” weren’t working before, but we recently fixed them.
Yes you can and on BG weekends it is actually very good.

Like killing the harpies possible ? Lmao
Nope, in Wrath you get XP from just PVPing in BGs.

I think it’s possible, as you will gain XP, but not nearly as much as through questing or even dungeon grinding.
It’s actually faster than questing on BG weekends.
yes, av quests and as an update you get about 5-6k exp(per captain/tower) for level 61-64. More data incomplete but there are quests and honor as well, with the exp quest give scaling with current level. And yes alliance has tons of boosty 70 and generally has alot more level 61-69 dk than horde. Since alliance has alot more horde–>ally in wrath people are leveling there dk in av.
It’s definitely worth it if they had remote bg queueing but blizzard likes to mess things up that work really well in their games so now it’s not as worth it unless you’re cool sitting in a city all day.
the wait isn’t bad 1-3min.
Not about the wait
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