XP gains from PvP in Wrath Classic

Seems every other change they’ve made has been to increase convenience and accessibility. And then removing dungeon finder does the opposite. That’s why I’m completely convinced it’s not a design decision. Either they can’t get the tool to work, or just want to push micro-transactions.

As far as this…I’d say sucks for any new players, but there’s not going to be any anyway.


It’s not like I never get one shot in pvp. I just don’t cry about it like a baby. I get back up and try to do something different. You don’t have to be a twink to frost nova or sheep or fear, etc. I’ve played bgs at low levels being 8 levels under max and still contribute and help the team win. I think people complaining about twinks don’t even play bgs and never would anyway. So, I guess it’s just the new thing to whine about. Everyone’s a victim these days.


How the hell does this fly as “curating social experiences” and “avoiding a dead world” when it is the exact same process of sitting in a city and queuing for something to level up? It doesn’t, the honest answer is it is inconsistent with what we have been told was the reason we can’t have RDF.


Zipzo! Zipzo!!

If you’re reading this, can you make a post stating how terrible this #SOMECHANGES is? (Even if you don’t believe it.)

I’d like to do a #ZIPZOVICTORYDANCE even if it’s all fake.

What an amazing quote. Not finding a BG at a low level isn’t “Not playing at all.” LMAO


Will this be active during prepatch?

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Devs don’t pvp, this is proof.

These are the matches You dump them before they start.

As your are about to be farmed for about the same time as deserter. They can farm someone else is my Stance here.


Perhabs in that head of yours, if you’re not a twink then you’re literally useless.

I have been playing since 06, I have my bloodthirsty title. I’m pretty sure that I have done way more bgs than you will ever do.

But hey, if you get off on being useless, all the power to you. Enjoy your dead queues and chasing terrain exploiting losers.


I think maybe you guys are just bad at pvp, if you worry so much about twinks. I soloed two or three level 70’s on my 66 shadow priest this past week. They were at full health. One of them was a Paladin, and I really couldn’t believe how horrible they were. No stuns, no heals, no nothing, just me kicking the crap out of them. Though, I guess I do use silence, lol.

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Don’t give them any ideas, I have a strong feeling without RDF people will just be queing BG’s for the exp in between quests if the BG que is how it’s supposed to be.

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Empty words from a Level 10 retail avatar.



now go sit down.


So post on it, coward. Empty words.


Having players sit in capitols getting teleported to their BGs from a PvP RDF feature should contradict your design philosophy of “keeping the world and server community alive”…

Now they can sit in capitols, que for cross realm BGs, get teleported, and level up while doing it. Gotta love the hypocrisy.


I’m from the EU you clown.


Brother… you just proved his point… That is a retail character.


:crazy_face: :call_me_hand:

Kewl bro



Hey, that’s great. Go back there and cry on those forums.


Bloodthirsty title, lmao, I’ve had that since atleast a decade ago. That title doesn’t even mean anything, except that you farm av and got lots of kills probably, lmao. I won the Lord of War title my very first time in the Colosseum without anyone else’s help. You couldn’t and didn’t do that.

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With honor cap being so low, you should allow people to buy max level honor gear before max, shouldnt matter it will just be soul bound unusable gear till they finish leveling