[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

nope! you dont play this game or engage with the classic community tho, that much is clear.

Source please.

That link to BB’s twitter feed has been posted here at least a dozen times. You clearly haven’t been paying attention. Reading to get the full story is obviously too much trouble for you. You rather just spout off in ignorance.


I am from a low pop server yet I am still anti rdf…

I am happy about this

  • easier to get in a dungeon group
  • can run more dungeons in shorter amount of time
  • turns wow into a lobby que game.
  • encourages players to quit mid run if they want to
  • encourages players to treat others poorly / rudely
  • diminishes the immersion of being a champion in a real world

No matter what happens, I hope blizzard removes teleporting to and from dungeons.
Retail already does that and I love that classic feels more like I am on an adventure. A grand journey.

If we added rdf but removed auto teleporting, and added more severe consequences for leaving mid group, that might be okay.

Or, you know, blizzard could leave it alone and let this game be classic and retail be retail.


You misinterpreted the quote then because ive read the tweets and none of them say that.

Changes are the retail mentality. No changes is the classic mentality. Your comment is ironic.


Brian very clearly stated that not all the devs agreed that the rdf should be removed. If you’re going to engage in incoherent babbling you should at least know what you’re talking about.


Nope, good luck you’ll be playing our game without rdf and with the changes improving the ulduar to toc transition, on the 26th! see you in northrend comrade.

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It should be very easy for you to link the tweet then.

So 20% of them? 5%? 30%? 60% what percentage?

They arent interested in much outside of the wailing and gnashing of teeth like children that blizzard isnt giving them what they want. I have plenty of good constructive convos with decent Pro-RDF’ers most days, and these arent some of them.

Well no. I’m not on twitter. I just read the tweets people link here. There are plenty of people posting here who take the time to read other people’s post and know I’m right. Then there’s the people who don’t bother to read and are completely clueless when they post.

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I mean i personally like RFD only for normal dungeons, after that i think heroics become the stepping stones to raids where people should become more social for progression.

seems like if it were that easy to find you’ve done triple the work typing out responses, instead of showing me exactly where it says the thing youre claiming hmmmmmmmmm

I think RDF for normals is a fine compromise. especially since its already a popular organization of queu vs non queu in retail. of all the complaints about retail “you cant rdf mythic pluses” isnt one ive ever heard. and obviously heroics in wotlk and mythic 0 are parallels

It’s not that easy to find. I just thought serious people reading these threads would have followed the threads and read the tweets. I forgot that some people are too narcissistic to bother reading what other people post.

I have and if it exists i missed it. which is why (believing you wouldnt be lying or twisting a statement) i asked you to point it out, since you made the claim, any time anyone asks me for a source i pull it up for them! i even have the “different feel” Ion timestamp memorized on the announcement vid, its 14:20

I think what’s ironic around these parts is too many people speaking so arrogantly while saying something so moronic lol.

“classic mentality”, “retail mentality” ? you want to base your decisions on mentalities? LOL

You don’t get to decide what wow classic “means”. Youre just the consumer. You guys get so hung up on a single word (that word being “classic”) and then waste everyone’s time by ignoring the actual conversation and thats honestly an insult to your own intelligence.

I have too much pride to waste everyone’s time over semantics while avoiding the argument being made.


Ive been trying to engage with you without name calling, but just so you know if you continue these are definitely tos, and you’ll take a vacation if you keep harrasing me while i try to talk to you in a decent manner.

The argument being made is even more nonsensical unfortunately. It all boils down to changes I want vs changes I don’t want when in reality there should be no changes.

Changes somewhat based on player sentiment is how we got to the state of modern wow and it will drive Classic into the ground too if we let it. People are here to play the original game as it was. Which is how it was advertised.

Also, that isn’t ironic. That doesn’t make sense.

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