[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

Which is the game without rdf.

You put it extremely eloquently tho so kudos.

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Now THIS is ironic. Coming from someone wasting everyone’s time with semantics and avoiding the arguments being made.


true. 3/4 teirs of content were wholly consumed by the playerbase without rdf.

this is what he meant by


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Dungeon Finder existed in a portion of WOTLK. Simply put it should be added and if those who wish not to use it because it “ruins their immersion” just shouldn’t use it. It’s really that simple. Depriving EVERYONE of something because a small group doesn’t want it is nonsensical logic. Classic should be copying all of retails QoL systems.

B-B-But my socialization! My socialization hasn’t diminished through my entire WoW career. If you let a tool hinder basic human interaction thats on you.

This is basically like cancelling a pizza party because one person has a gluten allergy.


The problem is you’re basing this on all expansions, this was really only promised in wow classic to appease the pserver crowd and server owner(s) to play blizzs servers. The sheer amount of people they got from that area alone trumped what people tried for years because it was an almost guaranteed 300k subs. That’s why they didn’t want to change wow classic. No more no less.

Even by your own fudged metric it is false. You just admitting that it existed in Wrath. Even though in reality it was there for half of it and also in the patch they have decided to implement.

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Thats not how this works. grouping provides tedium that is counteracted by having people to run dungeons with you, which promotes socialization.

You are effectively giving yourself RDF efficiency by interacting with people and maintaining a bustling friends list.

Thats the game. thats how it works. the introduction of RDF changes that dynamic completely.

Id agree that its uneccesary for normals and levelers, and that having that friends list works out for max level content but not necessarily for leveling, because everyones always leveling into and out of range for dungeons.

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ive never said it didnt exist. it just didnt exist for any appreciable amount of the content that was consumed and was a consolation prize to keep people engaged during one of the worst content droughts in the games history

What problem? Nothing has changed with that mind set among the players from Vanilla to Wrath. They are here to play the game as it was and far more people are interested in Wrath than in Vanilla.

If they think not changing the game is good for Vanilla to appease private server players and the like then the same is true for Wrath which has an even larger playerbase.


You just did. Do you need me to quote it or are you able to find it? :thinking:

Wtf is the point of this post?

RDF has been discussed ad nauseum. It’s not coming. Players need to get used to it or go play the version of the game which provides it.

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The majority of the content consumed without rdf, so thats what we remember as wotlk. You were either not playing the game or doing nothing in the game if you remember rdf as an appreciable part of it. It all tracks.

I personally have no issues with some changes depending on what they are and what they are solving. I believe many of the changes they have done have been good from an objective stand point. We shall see on the Wrath vs Vanilla considering we havent the data to assume anything.

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And were back to the start. Then add it in “3/4 tiers” into the game as you like to call half of the games life. It makes no difference when it is added as long as it is added eventually. The game will remain in the state for years to come anyway, but I suspect you will quit shortly after ICC is released.

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Semantics all you want; youre not getting rdf, regardless of how much you want to dismiss the reason. See you in northrend!

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Oh i meant ive played this game far more than you! See you in northrend!

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This is the raid loggers view of the game. Many players play more than one night a week. Many players spend more time in dungeons, framing, and even questing after they get their main into the raid one night a week.


Now that is the funniest thing I’ve read in awhile. :sweat_smile:

That is HIGHLY improbable.


wrong again! look at that! i have 4 alts! i play this game a toooooon. and i always have people on my friends list to help me get a party started even for new toons!

Im in my 30s and i work too! a full time job! fun! i enjoy playing wow on my time off and i dont need rdf to make a party! woooooow!

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You keep making pointless arguments about “tiers” and raid content as if it has anything to do with using RDF to get into Scarlet Monastery.

You are out of touch.