[WotLK] Let's talk Dungeon Finder

  1. It is a corruption of everything that classic stands for.
  2. Being able to queue for dungeons that you specifically want to do.
  3. None
  4. Anything is better than we have, but anything that differs from how the original game was is bad and needs to be reverted.


We dont need them. Guild wars 2 does this, where servers are only for WvWvW and all other aspects of the game including joining guilds are cross server.

Why cant we do the same? it would solve way more issues.

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more drama.

Clearly wrong.

RDF was a cata system put in as a desperation measure to soften a notoriously long content drought.

No RDF is how we all played the game through to its ending back then. You werent gearing alts up for ulduar or toc in RDF. That isnt how wotlk was sorry, not sorry. Youre just wrong, and willfully so.

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I’m on Ateish Alliance side. Right now I’m guideless, just joined a group. Maybe I just have to get used to the system?

We’ve been over this 1000 times. RDF existed for half of Wrath. Adding it later with ICC is closer to how the game was originally so most people are in agreement that this would fine.

But seeing as how they decided to implement the game in its 3.3.5 state it makes the most sense to have all the features that existed along with it.

Everything that brings the game closer to how 3.3.5 behaved is good and everything that brings us farther away is bad.


Idk, is your server normally populated? id have to look.

YOu and i both know this is a disingenuous statement. When people who actually played wotlk (like me) consumed the content we did all of it without RDF.

I don’t know why you think that people stopped playing any specific content after RDF was released. People were still doing things from Dead Mines to Northrend heroics until the day they shut down Wrath and would have continued to do so if they hadn’t.

Only ever playing content that contains the current best possible gear and then never returning to it is not how the majority of the players play the game. There are people at all stages of the game at all times.

They should add RDF again with the release of ICC as that is a closer representation of the original. It barely even matters when it gest added as long as it gets added because the game will exist in that state for years to come.


Because they made icc heroics drop catchup gear better than toc 10 man.

You dont play this game. This is the most ridiculous statement on the wow forums ever.

Yes, currently in tbc, because there arent SWP 5 mans that drop BT/MH level gear. You have a few catchups ish, like za which is still a raid. The toc and the icc 5 mans were put in the game to kill that btw.

You don’t seem to have a good grasp of how people that aren’t rushing content and min maxing every minute of their time play the game. This is not how people originally played this game and it is a shame that it has become so prevalent because it is dreadfully boring.

Originally at any given point throughout Wrath you could /who any dungeon or zone and there would at least be some people there. This was only made more likely thanks to the RDF making running old content more feasible. Which I personally think is a good thing.

I don’t know why you think people don’t want to play old content. Perhaps you don’t, but others definitely do and will despite the game making it as hard as possible thanks to the lack of RDF this time.

You can have all the fun you want with your rushing to current content and min/maxing, but this style of playing is devoid of all fun for a lot of people.

Also, nobody is impressed that you played original Wrath. I suspect most people here did as one of the main allures of Classic was it’s nostalgia.


That’s the whole problem. You want to force everyone to play the game like you. I’m not a raid logger and I have a lot of alts. There’s a lot of us who play that way. RDF was a huge part of how we played the game for a year of wrath.


I do, i run 2srs through old content to gear alts and friends all the time. This is a straw man. W’e still running old content to get gear for new content which is the goal.

During ICC, thats a big nope. You’re completely wrong.

I thought it was relevant, because we all experienced wrath without rdf and you keep screeching “BUT IT WAS IN THE GAME” clearly you didnt play the game. This is even more clear when you say things like “in wrath you could /who any zone and see people” clearly that was the way it was in naxx/uld, far less so in TOC, and ABSOLUTELY NOT in icc which is when rdf was introduced so idk what youre trying to say here.

I want the game to continue being the game, without a fundamental change, because there are plenty of games out there for you with that change and the whole point of classic is the “different Feel” ion spoke of when they explicitly said “no rdf”

You want to change classic (not wrath, but classic so far) fundamentally from what it was in classic and tbcc. I dont want that, you can go play another game, bc blizz decided they dont want that either.

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If you think people stopped playing the rest of the game because “ICC” for some reason then I don’t know what to tell you.

You are completely out of touch. Your entire perspective of the game is based on a flawed conception of people.


This post is painfully ironic. :disappointed:

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Look up the Ilvls for PoS FoS and HOR, and ToC 5 man btw.

Im not, i engage with my community run srs and gdkps and level toons full time, youre out of touch.


Who interacts with people running older content more again please?

Explain to me again how your finger is on the pulse of the community? it isnt

It was brought as a catchup mechanic in a content drought. They dont exist in the beginning.

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Everything you are saying only further shows that you don’t know how most people play this game. Your whole point of view is from a rushing min maxer that does nothing but raiding for gear.

Item levels? Warcraft logs? Are you a complete fool?

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Releasing balance patches and content as it happened originally on the same time schedule is an even better representation of original Wrath. This would be a good thing.

It would inevitably end in 3.3.5 though which is where it will stay so the end result is the same.

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Everyone has their own idea of the point of classic. The point to me was to recreate the game with as few changes as possible. The point to you is to change the game to be like vanilla. Your view is the point of classic is to make the changes you want and to not make any changes you don’t like. That’s the whole of your argument.

That’s factually not true. BB has admitted there was significant disagreement among the devs about his decision to remove the rdf. If those devs weren’t silenced we’d have a different idea about what the blizzard devs want.