Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

yup! and keeping that playerbase is more important than what you may or may not stick around for. Thats my opinion, but also one shared by the devs and im pretty happy with that.

LOL. They have no pillars. That’s PR nonsense. Every other change they’ve made is completely contradictory to their supposed pillars.

Anyway, RDF was in Wrath and obviously should be in Wrath Classic because people want to experience the game as it was back then.


no, no, no… ninja looting IS OLD, not only in WoW but in another classics MMO’s in videogaming history where the leader is only in charge of making a MASTER LOOT in the raid, so nothing to do with RDF.

the only thing that was not avoided is the quitrage in some dungeons like the mentioned Occulus, but it was not a problem because the RDF system gave you the option to be Ramdon, or select the dungeon you needed and believe me it will be the same problem seen in the LFG’s .

That’s why I already said that WtoLK dungeons for LFG are not the same as TBC and Vanilla dungeons.

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is that me?? doesn’t look like it, you can’t argue logically or rationally, you look like a child when you’re discovered to have done something wrong and blatantly try to put the blame on someone else, you don’t seem to have a clue, you just say "This is you " I made an argument and a statement just because you said that, I see that the carapace served and that you are probably a case of this, that’s why this attitude.

Yeah im sure a lot of people would quit after RDf lmao, especially those on dead realms.


Need a source on this.

need a source on this.

this is cope, theyre pretty obviously making some changes in accrodance with those pillars.

nope. wrong again. the only changes id say they made against those pillars are boosts wintergrasp and dungeon nerfs.

let me restate:

“waah waah I am an alienated child, I have a 5 year old mentality and I live in a social bubble, people have convinced me that something has to be a certain way and I want to believe that it is so without having to look for information because I can’t be wrong, and there are people who are disagreeing with me, that can’t happen waah waah waah”


You’re the one claiming Occulus is universally hated which if true means it will never be run now unless it happens to be the daily.

At least with RDF you get access to a much broader pool to find those people who don’t care(after all occulus was one of the shortest heroics) and won’t eat a debuff/requeue to avoid it.

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My experience with the oculus was that i ran it a bunch before rdf was introduced over multiple patches, and once rdf was introduced any time i queud into it it was instaleft by the entire group despite it being one of my fav dungeons.

This was my personal experience, and if you had a difference experience anecdotally i could see chalking it up to different battlegroups.

Youre in no way shape or form going to tell me i didnt experience it tho.

This is pretty on character for you. Go log in to the game. look for the rdf button. Why am i crying in your imagination again? The technical term for this is Projection

I’m not what I am telling you is that if you wanted occulus all you had to do was requeue and since you were at the top of the queue you would refill the group quickly.

If you weren’t doing that it’s on you.

You guys see what we have to deal with here on the daily. Believe it or not some of us came here to find a good compromise because we see the issues with the game. And then i end up jaded and stick around get an enjoyment for antagonizing the people who act like the posters above me :frowning:

Thanks for the good convo guys

And im telling you, thats not how it worked out, even as a tank (paladin tank) in original wrath.

I don’t understand this arguement … i mean are ALL the tanks and healers in that 1% ???

Yeah alot of people didnt want to do this one unless they had a group that understood how to do it. Its not hard at all its just picky and people dont want picky they want to mindlessly press 1 button. I personally loved it /shrug

then dont cry about too many people on your server

That completely defeats the purpose of the game then….

oh i understand! im not on their forums advocating for it to change