Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

Dungeon finder wouldn’t fix the issue now, it’s to far gone… Blizzard don’t seem to be actively trying to fix the problem and have given free transfer option as the only current “solution”

Blizzard could…

  • Forcefully break up these realms and balance out all realm pop
  • Add RDF so it doesn’t happen again

This would of course p!ss off everyone and cause people to unsub, or they could leave it up the the player to choose to transfer off, this of coure would p!ss everyone off again… They could also upgrade their servers, which would take time and $$ and they don’t seem willing to do this and of course this will p!ss everyone off.

Dammed if they do and dammed if they don’t.

I’m asking for a source. Yeah, I know this is just another lie but it helps to point out when people lie.

Link to a source please

the answer to this is a good unharmful implementation of like RDF for normals. noone will hate that much.

I really wish theyd just #nomoreservers and allow everyone to party/raid/guild together tho.

The most five year old screaming “MOMMY, DADDY IS A LIAR!” energy ever. Muting you for a bit because adults are talking. I’ll unmute you later dont worry <3

I don’t know why people keep feeding that troll. Just put it on ignore. Its only goal here is to antagonize you.

You have been caught making up fiction to support your ideology

Is that the truth or a lie?

source please

link to a source please

Certainly one of my goals is antagonizing entitled toxic people who are here to just scream into the void and not have a real conversation about what they want or how to solve the real issues of the game.

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Even the mention of RDF sparks up massive debates, adding it in this form will still cause a massive upset…

Personally I just say add RDF, if people unsub then it will hopefully balance out the queue times, win win for most people.

The problem here is you left out one variable that is never a constant. The players. Blizzard has tried and tried and tried for years to solve problem which is why retail is the way it is today and why many don’t play it. No matter what they do they will make some made up amount of people angry … ready to unsub or at least threaten too. So where do you start to draw the line ? Here’s where i would draw it … QUIT HOLDING THE PLAYERBASES HANDS. Everyone i assume is an adult. You make decisions based on your research of the subject you are interested in and then hopefully make a good informed decision. People are simply not doing that. They over exaggerate everything making things even worse for example … 5k people on a server if split perfectly IS NOT A DEAD REALM! But they seem to think it is. It’s like having a child … you teach them over the years what happens and how things got fixed and mistakes made on both sides … you give them the information of past issues and how they were handled and show them the long term outcome … you hope and pray that they see the light … but alas … they proceed to stay in the dark /shrug.

I went to my server and i dont even know what the pop was it wasn’t huge by any means but our server has done well through 2 expansions. This server would be considered dead by the people wanting mega servers when in fact its very much alive and so could others be if they chose to make it that way … again living in the dark still.

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i dont think so, everyone ive ever spoken to who has been against rdf has either agreed to normals for rdf, OR not agreed but only on the basis that it was a slippery slope and we’d end up with heroic rdf and lfr.

this was a HUGE realm back in the day.

the real issue is alt leveling, most people stay on mega servers because of guild recruiting and alt leveling reasons. not because there arent enough pugs at any given time for end game.

My sever is also considered a dead realm by the likes of ironforge pro and other like websites, it’s actually quite vibrant and full of groups at the moment.

I agree 100%

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Yeah our lfg channel is HOPPING with all kinds of runs since people have slowed down the nonsense chat in it … kinda like wow

I still think #nomoreservers is a drastic change but will literally give everyone on all sides of a number of huge issues in the game exactly what they want. from world pvp, to alt dungeons, to gatekeeping heroics, to server queues. so many solved problems.

What do you think about that?

Citation needed, this is your opinion.

of course its an opinion. That it wasnt detrimental to the game is also an opinion.

For many people it’s not the rdf that changed the game but the complete overhaul of the talents. For many that was why they quit during cata. One can play the content of wrath in retail but they have to do it with the retail talent specs. If you believe wrath in retail is the same as wrath classic would you jump to retail if they removed the rdf from that game.

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RDF definitely has place in Wrath Classic considering it was released in Wrath. Stop confusing Wrath and Vanilla


0.00005% would probably quit over it and WOW would probably gain 5% more subs if it were added.

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You cant quit unless youre an active player, and noone actively playing TBCC will quit over its disinclusion.

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