World and leveling content ignored

Many players have expressed frustration with the lack of attention and hotfixes for world content, while Mythic+ dungeons and raids receive them on a weekly basis. This can make it feel like the developers prioritize endgame content over the rest of the game, leaving those who prefer to explore and complete world content feeling neglected.

Some players argue that world content is just as important as endgame content, and should be given the same level of attention and maintenance. This includes fixing bugs such as:

There are also concerns that by focusing too heavily on endgame content, the wow devs risk alienating casual players and those who prefer to explore and enjoy the world content at their own pace.

It’s important to remember that different players have different preferences and playstyles, and the WoW devs should strive to cater to a wide range of players by providing regular updates and hotfixes for all aspects of the game.


Another one that’s been rather annoying is The Great Shellkhan - a Rare (with an achievement attached) that has been bugged since Dragonflight launch and still hasn’t been fixed.

They fixed the NPC so it wasn’t cowering in fear, but they still aren’t interactable, even when Shellkhan is up and you have the bait, so the rare just never becomes attackable.


Leveling in older content needs a whole lot of work put into it to make it a better experience for everyone involved.

Ignored is very much an understatment from my perspective when it comes to how and when older content get bug fixes, nevermind the fact we’ve never had proper scaling. When it comes to older expansion content my default assumption is the bug never gets fixed or it takes an incredibly long time to be fixed. I understand that obviously newer content will take priority, but at some point you have to be able to sit down and go through fixing the older content as well.

For example of a quest that’s been bugged for a long time, the mine cart quest in the goblin starting area. Whenever you ride down to the bottom it often doesn’t trigger and you get stuck moving the mine cart (Which you aren’t supposed to be controlling) until you hop out, reset the quest and try again. What causes the trigger to fail is not certain to me, sometimes wiggling the minecart forward makes it trigger the bomb explosion, sometimes it’s doesn’t. It’s very delayed and it’s not the only quest bug in the zone that causes some pain either.

Scaling continues to be a major issue with leveling right now with how it works. Mobs become health sponges very quickly when leveling 1-60. Once you get to about 20 is when it really starts setting in. 30+ It becomes a slog at times. Mobs take so much longer to kill than before for absolutely no good reason, this is noticed right away in Dungeons where the entire dungeon group is above this level threshold. Either the player power needs to go up, or ideally mob health needs to go down by a good order of magnitude.

If someone is spamming dungeons with a friend and wants the experience to go quickly, the trick is to just have one person make level 10 allied race characters who will blast through mobs like nothing until they hit 18/19, delete them and then start again instead of dealing with the alternative of having a group of higher level’d characters.

There are some mobs who abilities and damage seem to far outscale your own for little reason, some of which have had that issue for a long time. This is documented often on these forums and in third party major sites such as WoWhead where you can see that people have a problem. When the initial level squish happened and when scaling was first implemented, there were some unfortunate issues that have just continued to hold on and exist where items don’t scale properly and where mobs weren’t squished right.

Leveling zones are not scaled correctly either. Different eras have enemies with different health bars. It’s miniscule when it’s normal npcs, but Rare Spawn and Boss enemies break this egregiously. A rare spawn/boss mob in an Eastern Kingdom zone is going to have a lot less health than a Mists of Pandaria one. This is something that just doesn’t make sense to me, why the scaling is not equalized and the lower health values are not the default for all rare spawn and boss enemies. These higher health mobs also often have issues with damange scaling, making it so it’s harder to kill them when you are leveling, something that should be able to be done. Actually funnily enough the easiest way to see this is to go look at a normal rare spawn in Redridge, such as Ribchaser vs Gnollfeaster (also in Redridge) but the latter was added in BFA and has a different health scaling point. (A scaling point also lower than MOP Mobs.)

When it comes to item scaling there are some issues. This applies to normal and especially crafted items. Some items that drop (usually low level greens) don’t scale at all. Normal items that get the upgrade to ‘rare/epic’ from quests do not have the same ilvl value as a rare item that drops in a dungeon. Not sure why that is, but it just is.

When it comes to old world professions and crafts, the items really need some assitance. Right now they are entirely useless for leveling, yes even with the ‘mark’ system, they just do not scale to the new ilvl curve we got when Dragonflight hit and before then they were already underpowered. This whole system should just go away and items you should simply scale to your 1-59 Chromie time level once you craft them.

Any form of plant part or missing out on more ore when it comes to gathering the old world profession nodes should also be removed, this really dampens the idea of being able to level anywhere when you find yourself picking up useless materials for craft or needing a lot more of them to be equaled out.

IN general old world professions could use a passover so they can be leveled more quickly. Material reductions, more skill points being awarded at certain breakpoints, etc.

Then there are some general fixes I think would be massively useful. Make Heirlooms Scale 1-60 by Default, the upgrade system is very archaic and an extremely outdated goldsink that provides little value to invest in comparatively. You do not get out what you put into the system. It’s so much stark contrast to WOTLK Classic where items automatically scale to 80 with no hassle. Either that or drop the prices down to where you spend no more than 1000 g/equal currency value in total to get the item there so it’s a lot more manageable.

Increase default swim speed. There’s no reason for it to continue be this slow in the game, it’s much faster to skip any quests in water than it is to take the time to do them and get experience for it.

Healing Potions and Mana Potions should scale by a default flat percentage no matter your level because right now they just simply don’t scale at all or do so incorrectly and if you are questing in Stranglthorn a Healing potion that gives you 167 HP when you are level 40 is useless. These items just need to function better.

Similar to quest items, uncommon/rare/epic items on vendors also should just scale to your level when you buy them in Chromie Time. They are also pretty useless outside of buying apperances for transmog right now.


In regards to Service Side strat, since Cataclysm, you are not able to go through the gate from the live side to undead side, as they are effectively two dungeons now.

The only other way to zone into Undead Side is still through the live side, but you have to exploit your way through terrain.

Because Blizzard hasn’t focused any attention to the non DF zones, we are forced to resort to exploitative measures to access these zones, which I think is a huge issue.


AV still broken too.

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This is up again, by the way, and is still broken.

Here’s an example for the devs - Rocks simply don’t spawn. I’ve had the 2nd rock not spawn. I’ve had the third rock not spawn. This is I believe the 5th.

The only way to complete it is hope you end up in a shard where it’s not bugged.

And yes, it is 1000% bugged and not player error - the intended rocks are not spawning. There is only one route up on this WQ.

EDIT: Same exact thing is happening in the Climbing World Quest in Ohn’ahra as well:

There’s just a missing rock.


To bring up more World Content - the new Storm’s Fury event.

Is there a reason this is tuned to be done by a raid group? Especially when the quest to do it (not the WQ, but the actual quest you get to clear it) can’t be done in a raid group? (The World Quest isn’t even classed as a Group Quest, so we can’t use the LFG system to auto-fill groups either)

On top of this, why on earth does the final boss of this have more health than Mythic Raszageth? I was watching people die left and right yesterday cause they didn’t know in advance how long the fight would last (it lasted long enough for my group to heroism twice) and the cold debuff was just straight up killing them. I went through I think 10 of the heat sources (500g worth…) to stay alive during it and was still taking a ton of damage.

Please retune this boss so it doesn’t require a full raid group and doesn’t take 10+ minutes to down. This is worse than a World Boss. Which wouldn’t be a problem if the rewards were equal - as it stands right now if you don’t do Storm’s Fury at the start of the week you probably won’t be able to.


I would say the storm fury thing is probably both the worst PvE event ive ever done and ironically and unintentionally the best PvP event.

Watching a alliance raid struggle to kill the boss while you mop the floor with everyone trying to do it because of the adds and the frozen mechanics is hilarious. The raid I was with ended up killing the alliance trying to do it multiple times while also killing the boss with almost the same duration as an actual battleground. Again horrible PvE boss, but super fun PvP unintentionally.

Also instant spawn after dying? Absolute madness in warmode

First up, thanks for nerfing the Storm’s Fury Boss! :smiley: I haven’t done it yet, but I’m trusting by the hotfix notes saying the health was “significantly” reduced, it’ll be easier to handle.

Secondly, to piggyback on those hotfix notes, I consider transmog world content, and just wanted to say thank you for relaxing the transmog restrictions on some holiday items! However, I would like to politely request you relax the restrictions on a few more, if possible?

Those being:

  1. Forever Lovely Rose - We have year round flower helms, why can’t we have a year round rose?
  2. Normal Brewfest Hats and Chest Pieces - They look like regular clothes, why not allow them moggable year round? (The pretzel hat is understandable if you want to keep it for Brewfest only)
  3. Pilgrim’s Attire - Much like #2 - they just look like normal clothes, no different than a lot of the white/grey mogs we got.

I completely understand you guys not wanting people running around in Santa clothes, christmas sweaters, the fire festival clothes, the pumpkin hat, or the bunny ears year round (at least raiding/etc. in them, they can always just equip the regular item in town if they want).

But I don’t see a reason to exclude the rose or the brewfest/pilgrim gear from year-round mog.

On an unrelated note, regarding Grand Hunts -

Is there a reason the 2 pets from the Grand Hunts can’t be caged? I have done Grand Hunts on multiple toons each week and still haven’t had either drop.

My guildie just had a duplicate drop, yet she’s unable to learn it because they’re 1/1 in the Journal, and she can’t cage the one she has. So she has a useless pet she has to vendor which doesn’t feel good. Can we please have these pets made cageable?


Also brewfest keg as a transmog for brewmasters please.


One more touch on world content:

Can we get a Flight Master Map Toy for Dragonflight?

Having to manually re-learn every single flight path on all of my alts is a chore. Yes, dragonriding is much faster, but sometimes I just want to tab out on a flight path to my destination, only to find I can’t do that because I don’t have that flight path on the toon yet.

Also, just on the “things being ignored” part of this - can you guys please make the “Explore Zone” achievements account-wide, so we don’t outright spam our guilds and anyone nearby when we use the toys to learn flight paths/maps? >_>


I think they usually add these types of Heirlooms near the last season of the expansion.

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BFA was added in 8.1 and SL was added in 9.1.5.

However, as flight is such a big part of this expansion and they claim to be trying to be more alt friendly, adding it a few months earlier wouldn’t hurt anyone lol.


More to add: Character and npc flickering in Dun Modr

This bug has been around since before Dragonflight, yet still remains.

What does it take to get more eyes on the rest of the world for fixes? This can be dangerous to those who suffer from these types of flickering and really needs to be attended to, especially if Blizzard cares about accessibility.


This bug has been around since Mists at least. It continues to crop up, be resolved for a time, and break again. Not sure why it happens this way. The buildings in the ground here phase weirdly and it’s never been permanently fixed but is 100% an accessibility issue that should’ve been given a permanent fix years ago.

To note, this also happens in Blackfathom Deeps. Has happened since at least Shadowlands, though maybe also BFA.

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This happens when you get grabbed by the tentacles. I opt out of the dungeon because it becomes entirely unplayable whenever I manage to have that happen to me. It’s entirely unavoidable and messes with the play experience.

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Going to add the ‘Storm-bound chest’ is bugged on 2nd week now. Expel Power doesn’t work as it says I don’t have a target, but the mobs either die way too fast, or only one person can tag a mob with it.

This is either bugged, or just not very easy to understand what to do.

I’ll add something here which was never answered if on purpose, or bug.

Tagging of mobs, solo vs. group. Is it on purpose that the mobs turn grey when any group tags something before a solo player? And we’re talking Horde and Alliance groups that can turn mobs grey.