Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game overall

And we’re done here because the world record is 2 days 17 minutes. If you gotta lie to make your point then you don’t have one. +1 to the ignore list unfortunately.


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You mean the one done by that gnome mage? Pretty sure that was done solo, and not being boosted.

You could get one to 60 by paying a Mage booster in less time than that.

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Yeah, that record was without rested XP or ZG coin turn ins, or group XP. I’m very familiar with Arlaeus. I learned my dungeon gold farms from him. Lol. Thank you for proving you don’t know anything.

I guess you are trying to avoid the part where I even grant you that 70 takes 10 days and the math still doesn’t work out in favor of a boost being more profitable for a bot. xD Clown.


I don’t care what he does tbh. I dont care if he boosts a level 58, doesnt boost a level 58, or straight up just decides to throw his PC off a balcony. That’s my point - none of this matters. Blizzard is going with the boost. No amount of salty whining on the forums is going to do anything. You guys are cringe with all this nonsense. If you guys hate that some other nerd on the other side of the country is paying money to get a level 58 character, you have problems.

My suggestion to uninstall is merely to save yourselves from the “horrors” of having to watch other people enjoy the game in ways that Blizzard supports. It’s the only option that makes any sense for you crybabies.


Wrote a novel only to just be another anti booster post to the massive pile currently reeking of piss and tears


Constructive as always ‘jimmirustler’. You pro-boosters are doing exactly what I said you would do. Thanks for proving me right :slight_smile:

It will bring in many, many players that did not want to experience Classic and their remembrance of the awful quests of traveling all over the world.

It will allow those players to join right into Outland where questing is far superior and the dungeons and raids are way better by a long shot.

It will allow players to be able to keep up with the level 60’s at launch without having to spend 2 months to level to 58 before they have a chance of seeing Outland.

Those are just a few things I see as pros to the boost.


Umm, have you ever heard of VPN. If not I highly suggest you check it out. It woks great when you are deployed overseas and need to watch ummmm, Netflix.

How does one ban gold sellers if the gold sellers I assume just mail the gold to whoever the hell buys it. I mean I am all in favor of banning both parties, but how do you know? I mean I gave a friend that moved to my server 100g the other day in the mail. How would you know if my buddy bought the gold or didn’t?


Exactly this. Botters set up groups of 5 and slam through mobs at a rate the normal player can not, farming as they go. They will absolutely not pay for a service that will be of no practical use to them while lowering their profit margin. If the boosts are $40.00 or even $60.00, the gold farmers will look at that as a net loss and avoid it. I do not understand how this can be explained so many times yet the anti boost club willfully ignores the basic logic of it.

Actually, you are talking about solo level and he clearly stated he boosted his with his mage. Your argument is disingenuous at best. Honestly, it is not like I would expect any more from someone who thinks that crying on the forums is going get Blizzard to drop a money making thing that players are asking for.

At the risk of sounding controversial to the forum topic or a nay-sayer I feel I should voice something… Something of an alternative.

The boost is happening. Sorry, but it is. The income potential is too great for Activision’s Blizzard to stable the idea of not putting boosts, and potentially other monetized features into the game further down the road.

The battle-lines are clearly drawn.

At this point if you are against the boost you might have an alternative, but it requires a heavy choice:
Subscribe to the notion of “fresh tbc servers” that offer no cash shop and no transfers/boosts
Submit to the current roll-out and accept that boosts are happening. Get over it. And have fun. Do your best to be magnanimous and get over the petty squabble with the people who will be boosting on your server to play there with you.

“But it is not fair!”
“I worked hard for my stuff etc…”

Please forgive me quoting myself on this one but I believe the post is relevant here.

seems like this fits here…

Tell me you are racist without telling me you are racist.

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^ okay I giggled a little at this… Not because it is true or anything, but because it has become such a meme.

People are offended far too easily these days. But us old farts are able to find the humor, I dare say, in posts like this…
Or perhaps I am just that jaded these days. I dunno. Either way, thanks for the giggle.


NP. I was a bit afraid that people would go uber serious and not get my humor. Thank you for being a fellow oldster who still has the ability to laugh.

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Almost ironic that you called me an oldster because it feels so similar to a moniker of mine on a couple stream platforms: Hubster.
Anyway, glad there are some of us out there… Huh, oldster. I like it. Maybe a future moniker even, lol.

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Nice. I was going to guess that you are a fellow Xer, but humor does come in all ages.

I am affectionately part of the Oregon Trail Generation… Aptly named since that was my first game on the computer that I recall sinking hours abound into.


I, too, have died of dysentery and said very frustrated things at green letters on a screen that weighed more than most modern computers.


Just say boosts are inevitable, what do you think of Blizzard releasing two types of servers? Boosted tbc servers and non boosted tbc servers?

Kind of like different types of servers like an rp pve and pvp server?

You could have leveled a new toon to 60 or farmed enough gold that you would be for boosts by the time you wrote this.

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