Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game overall

You’re doing exactly what I say you do, spam the forums with useless comments :slight_smile: How are you adding anymore than me by reading my forums history :stuck_out_tongue:

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I ain’t reading your forum history, you just comment on everything cos you’re a troll :slight_smile:

Nah I bet you are. Keeping an eye on me and all. Look at how fast you reply! :smiley:

Your jimmies sure sound rustled.

People can see your logs, you do know that right?

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That is just laughable. Dungeons started to suck in tbc. Dungeons and questing are WAAAY better in classic.

I got a survey from Blizzard last week, but it was so long that I cancelled out of it.

We asked for Classic, a mode without all of the microtransactions, lfr, store mounts etc… why cant we have that? #nochanges went to #somechanges to #changeeverything . If you want a paid boost, go play retail and run through the outlands content. Paid Boosting wasnt in original TBC, however mage boosting/powerleveling has ALWAYS been a thing in MMORPGs we did it back in everquest… whatever happened to ‘spirit of classic’ like sh** went out the window and caught on fire.


Ever heard of an opinion? yeah well what you said is only an opinion just like mine is an opinion. You think questing is far better in classic shows me what a fool you are, but this is just my opinion. Although BRD is still prob the best dungeon ever made, other than that the dungeons in classic not that great.

And if you don’t want a boost stay on Classic Era servers where you can be happy with #nochanges. I spoke my voice to get classic in hopes we get TBC. Now we are getting TBC and my friends are returning because of the boost.

The spirit of classic remains in Classic Era severs, but boost are for TBC Classic. I am so excited to get my boost.

It is better, you have 2 giant continents and 8 races all with massive cultures. Beautiful terrains with perfect transitions, an experience that lasts with you forever. 6 beautiful giant cities and things that are hidden and mysterious. It’s a WAAY better questing experience. The biggest mistake blizzard made was destroying the relevance of the original world.

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Wait a minute, Hadenuff you said you quit. 4 days ago you told all of us that you only had 3 days left on your subscription, yet here you still are, making posts. Hmmmmmmm…


Once again, your OPINION, to me it is awful. Art work in every expansion is top notch to not arguing there. Questing in my opinion is the worst ever, TBC they improved dramatically.

every argument hinges on the assumption botters will buy boosts.

so kek

Well, good thing you unsubbed…

O wait… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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No one is denying visuals being on point, specially for that time. Could that have used the old, sure. The problem is, that the story was almost non-existent… quests were dull and dragged on, with STV was fun for PVP from time to time and Barrens chat was always good… the game as a whole was EMPTY, loads of potential… but Vanilla never scratched the surface of it. While TBC takes us to a smaller world… it taps into a lot of that potential. STORY… gameplay improved… everything in TBC was just better.

go do outlands content on retail, a paid lvl 58 boost was not apart of the original TBC, it isnt ‘classic’ anymore if its p2w with microtransactions its just a private server with rmt. The entire purpose of this was a separation of what caused the maingame to go downhill hence why we asked for Classic. we didnt ask for THIS.

Ontop of the whole logical fallacy that the boost is for players to catch up with their friends… IF THEY ALREADY HAVE A LVL 60 (which will be better geared and more ready than the greens/blues they will give u as a boosted char ontop of you are already 60… so what is there to catch up to?). Make it make sense bro, if they already have a 60 go lvl that one.


SCREN THE BOOST What about instead of the boost something that was ACTUALLY IN THE GAME!!! the arena realm!!! TBC Arena Realm Championship? - WoW Classic / The Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Not everyone cares about PVP or Arena, and I am sure there are private servers that have been emulating those arena realms. Like what Classic was to Vanilla, we just want to play TBC how it was back in the day.

Exactly, these people are delusional and literally wouldn’t play the game without the boost rofl. They hate themselves as much as they hate the game.