Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game overall

WOW you got 1 friend as a bot, I bet you feel special. OH WAIT there’s probably thousands of bots, congrats on looking like a tool.

Send me a pic of your wal-mart version of an economics degree

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Holy crap this guy gets it, thank you

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How can you think it’s a better ROI to spend more than 10 days leveling to 70, not to mention the time it takes to max professions than buying a boost and spending 1-2 days of getting to the point and farming gold?

Blizzard doesn’t ban bots. They make money off of them. I’ve heard people say “Blizzard is a corporation and therefore revenue is their number one priority.” and then, in the SAME SENTENCE say that they will ban bots. What a joke.

What? That proves my point even further. Thousands of bots aren’t getting banned. Is this really the best pro-boosters can do?

They do… In fact, one of my guilds lost some members for botting in AV. If reports come in, bans happen.

Obviously not enough. Do me a favor and screen shot /who rogue blackrock on your server. I have 18 right now.


I’m well aware of the BRD rogue thing. Some of them aren’t bots. Players make alts to farm gold. Mages farm ZF like mad. Rogues have been in BRD since they hit 60 after launch.

It’s really hard for us players to report toons we can’t click on.

Clearly the 30 instance cap wasn’t enough. Regardless of what/who is controlling those toons, it smells like cheating to me… But you can’t prove they’re bots.

You’re right. I can’t. But Blizzard easily can.

How’s that?

What they did in actual vanilla/tbc. GMs would literally log into the game and watch them. They could also teleport them to an area where the bots would behave oddly since it couldn’t register the area.

That sounds like an expensive endeavor. A lot of man power would be needed… Yeah, they’ll need some extra revenue for sure.

Yeah like that $200 million bonus to the CEO.

You guys are just laughable.

The CEO stock option thing was triggered by the guy’s contract and has no bearing here.

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First step, chinese cannot log into American or eu servers.

Second step, perma ban people who buy gold from illegal sellers, instantly. This is 2021, not 2004.


We’re talking ROI to 60 here, but if you think its taking 10 days to get to 70. Shows how disconnected you are with the game. Playing my mage, I power leveled my own alt sham on another account, and got it to 60 in under 2 days played. Getting to 70 is not going to take 8 days. Another 2-3 days played, tops, for anyone no life-ing the game (or botting)

So lets break that down. Lets say you have 1 boosted character. You take 3 days to get to 70. You sell a primal might CD every day for the remaining 27 days of the month at 100g each, and you earn 200g/day herbing/doing dailies. That is 8,100g.

Well say at the high end a boost costs 59.00, and low end 44.99. This means a botter can power level 3-4 characters for the same cost as a single boost in 5 days. Lets look at the ROI/Overall benefit, assuming all characters are also herb/alch and earning 300g/day.

Low End = 3 manually power level characters, not counting all of the gold they made during the leveling process, they earn 300g/day x 25 days x 3 characters. This is 22,500. Vastly more money than 8,100g from a single 45$ boost, with a high end value of 60 per boost, this number increases to 30k.

But lets say we are super charitable, and assume that leveling takes 10 days. Running 3 bots, this is still 18k profit vs 8.1k profit, and 24k running 4 bots. So no, there is no world, at any level of gold generation, that the investment in a boost is more attractive to a botting gold farmer, than just having multiple accounts for the same price.

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What about Americans who’re in China for business? Or have residences in bith countries?

You’re right it’s just coincidence there was a mass lay-off less than 24 hours before he got handed that bonus.

Again, you guys are all laughable and pathetic.

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As far as blizzard’s stance, there are no Americans in China. See how that works?

They do, they’re just bad at it and prefer to do ban waves at specific times to flex to shareholders and brag about it rather than spend a bit more money actively policing. It’s stupid and doesn’t work, but they do get banned on occasion.

They make money off everyone, but the damage bots do to their brand means they don’t want to just not ban them.

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You’re not defending your point very well.