Why is there zero enforcement of the TOS on Classic servers regardless of reporting?

Um. Take a gander at the locked threads in this forum. Things are addressed in Blizzard’s time, and outside of social sanctions, they do investigate reports. They don’t whack-a-mole cheaters, they learn how they’re working the system and then fix the issue and break what the cheaters are doing. Social sanctions, they’re rarely instantaneous, but it does catch up with folks. And those threads I linked are only a handful, not counting all the others that end up 404’d.

Because that isn’t how Blizzard operates. They’re reactive. They operate on reports. There is no way to have a GM in every channel on every server on each faction on every different game iteration.

Already answered above. Just because you don’t think folks are being sanctioned, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. It’s a never-ending battle.

Your subscription is paying for you to access the servers. Not a single thing else beyond that.