Account suspended- no shot I "exploited functionality"

Hello, my account just got suspended for 3 days. WHY specifically?!

Email says: “Recent activity on this account has shown characters exploiting functionality to the detriment of the game environment or the intended player experience.”

First, I have barely been playing lately. And second, I don’t do ANYTHING exploitive.

In fact, I pay for TWO ACCOUNTS, and i BUY TOKENS! I PAY EXTRA to sit shuffle queues on two accounts so I can actually play once in a while.

Is it for trading my character on my other account gold?!?

Can a blue please give me some more insight, because this is absolutely ridiculous and I’m really disappointed about this.

What the email told you is all you are going to get as to reason. They are vague because that information is exactly what cheaters want to know to try and avoid getting caught for such things in the future. You can keep appealing until such time as they tell you no more appeals will be looked at.


Naw that’s a joke. Can’t just ban people and not say why


The best I can tell you, Haunting, is that exploitative activity was found to be used and to look at what activity you may have been participating in. If you were using anything specific/special that others may not have been.

Technically speaking, we did provide the reason why just not the exact thing that was found. When it comes to exploitation we usually do not provide details. This is primarily to help avoid providing insights into our investigation process or specific details on what cheat/exploit may have been found.


Technically? They can. But they do say why, they just don’t give specific details.

All you can really do is put in a ticket and have it reviewed.


The two activities I have participated in for months now are sitting solo shuffle queues, and buying heroic sark carries for gold.

The fact that all i really do is pvp, and the way this is written makes me think you’re referring to the “one button” ele shaman rotation macro that was circulating in youtube videos that was hotfixed recently. I tried it on the dummies, didnt really work, and i never did it in arena or against other players.

Is that macro being pressed a couple times on my account what caused the ban? Cause if so that’s pretty wild

beyond that, idk what else it could possibly be, so idk what to change about the “activity i may be participating in” or what the “special thing” i was using to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future. Also to be noted, I don’t and have never used automated keyboard software which is something i’ve heard people getting banned for recently

Vrak isn’t going to give you any details or pin-point what did or didn’t had the account flag other then what he already said. Other then that, you’d need to go over what you did and track it down.


My bet is the buying carries. Group he used probably was exploiting.

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yeah trying to do that currently, no need to interject, thanks

would love to know if that was the case so i can stop using that person/group

No, it was not. Penalties are not usually applied to an account that wasn’t directly found exploiting.


This is a public forum, anyone in good standing can post.

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yeah i understand, post away. but it’s like i’m trying to work with the customer service counter, and some dude in line behind me is chiming in with redundant info, and i’m already extremely frustrated.

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That second part, I never knew. Just kinda figured it was “they did it and you were with em” type deal. That’s cool tho!

Obviously, if there is an indication that you are knowingly accompanying those who are exploiting then you are not necessarily an innocent party.

However, just at face value, we don’t hold everyone else responsible if someone may have exploited.

Yes, but I believe the point Zenjy was attempting to make was that you aren’t really working with me. I cannot provide the level of detail you are looking for, so outside of correcting some information that has been offered here, I have left the counter. Sorry.


We get that you are understandingly frustrated, but the CS forums are for player to discuss with other players CS issues. It’s really not a direct line with Blizzard, for suspensions, you need to file a ticket to appeal.


okay can you please correct whether or not it was the macro i described. if it’s not that, can you please delete whatever it is on my account so i can’t use it anymore, cause i genuinely don’t know what i did and I don’t want this to happen again… I’ve been playing this game for 15+ years and have never knowingly or intentionally cheated or exploited and this is unbelievable. I am genuinely shocked and sad.


It’s doesn’t work that way. I’m pretty sure you got all Vrakthris can tell you.


No, I cannot provide additional details.

I should note that we do not have access to your macros, friends/ignore list, UI configuration, etc… That is primarily on your side and only can be edited by you.

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if you want info you aren’t going to get it here. Make an actual ticket and talk to them that way.