Account ban please support

My two friends, Asia server, were playing in a net bar when their accounts were banned. The reason being these net bars pre-installed software that monitors activities on the computer. This software is government required and it wasn`t known that this will lead to bans. Please go over these circumstances and reconsider unbanning these accounts. Previous to this, these accounts have been active for years and have never participated in anything that breaks the TOS.

Thank you

Unfortunately, appeals are not handled over the forums. For that matter, only the player(s) who were actioned can appeal the account action.

I understand you want to help your friends, but this is something they will have to do themselves via the ticket system.


Your friends are the only ones who can address their sanctions. You, nor anyone else can speak for them or vouch for them. Account actions and sanctions are ONLY dealt with by the player and Blizzard. No third party has any place at all in the discussion or process, no matter you’re doing this to try and help them.


This is not the place to profess innocence. You need to open a ticket and appeal, if you think the action was in error.

First thing to remember is that if/when you report someone, it’s Blizzard’s judgement as to whether they broke the rules. If it’s true that Blizzard took no action, then they judged that the other player did not break the rules. However, you don’t know if they take action or not. Blizzard keeps account actions private, between them and the account holder.

Retaliating is breaking the rules just as much as the other player. It’s not up to you to judge if another player should be punished or banned. It’s not up to you to break the rules and retaliate for vengeance.

It’s up to you to bring behavior you think is against the rules to Blizzard’s attention. If you don’t want to report, that’s certainly your choice, as well. But if you do, your part ends after you submit the report. Retaliating is not your job.


Just an FYI, being kicked from a dungeon is NOT against the rules. Unless profanity was used there isn’t anything that really can be punished for during a dungeon. Just because we don’t like something doesn’t mean it is against the rules or something that requires action to the account.


No, no it isn’t. There’s nothing in the ToS or other rules stating they have to keep a person in the party because they want to be there. The VoK is put in for groups to self mod and keep playing.


It is not, as has been shot down many times when others have tried to claim the same. You were acting inappropriately and your groupmates chose not to want to continue in their group. I had peeked over at your GD post before it had been taken down, so I stand firm in what I’m typing here. Also, not kosher to hijack someone else’s thread to air your grievances. If you wish to voice your CONSTRUCTIVE feedback and suggestions about the LFD system, you can do so in appropriate forums such as the Dungeons and Raid forum, the in-game suggestion and feedback interface, or if you take issue with how your appeal(s) were addressed, you can use the survey you would have received when your ticket closed out.





Thank you Leilleath,

I was working up an answer but yours covers every base. Thank you.

I think we are done here since this thread has been hijacked.