Why do the forum mods allow…

Why do the forum mods allow all these trolling topics? If you were visiting the WoW forums as a new player or potential player you would be turned off quickly. Everything being called sexist and racist at this point just makes this game look dumb.

The threads that have 3k posts on it are straight trolling. If anyone truly felt that way they would boycott everything in their life and have to hop off the internet completely. The strange thing is those same people will now flag this post when I’m just looking for some clarity from the general discussion forum goers.

All the sexist / racist threads do is promote flaming and arguing.

Edited out some to keep this post alive.


You think Blizzard can afford enough moderators to keep this place cleaned up? Bobby needs another yacht, Blizzard can’t afford to spend any money on something as inconsequential to the gameplay as more forum moderators.


They can afford enough moderators… they just decided not to get them.


Bobby’s next yacht isn’t going to pay for itself.


Trolling is generally a matter of opinion. You just can’t just say somebody is trolling just because you don’t agree with them.


Man, we need to get a new joke already


Bobby needs to work on his rocket for the space race?


Some so-called “SJW” threads aren’t actually trolling. But, yes, some seem to be.


Bobby needs to pay out another sexually harassment lawsuit

It’s topical


I’m gonna go ahead and say you don’t speak for me :slight_smile:

That’s easy, Blizz gave us their definition of trolling


What you think trolling is doesn’t matter, Blizz has a definition they follow and it’s their forum so that’s that :man_shrugging:

Which lines? There’s parts of that song that violate the rules

But they are within the rules Blizz set forth. This is the problem/benefit of rules :smiley: Once you know where the line is you can just hang out at it all day long


The troll post use language that aligns with the mods political ideology.


All troll post. The only reason they are still up is because the language they use sounds progressive. The mods don’t read past the title and at most a few lines to see that its a troll. When they finally do the post get shut down and delisted. just like this old troll.


So they don’t get accused of censoring opinions. Then we’d have a ton of topics on that all the time.

Exactly those are great for this thread, thanks for linking those.

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some of the topics like my succubus is sexist and greenskins vs brownskins i just look at as ridiculous
everyone has a different sense of what they can accept as appropriate and like aunt jemimah syrup some people take an inch and they want a mile, they abuse things “or” are just too sensitive (as i see it), but again we are all different.
to censor the boards could potentialy cause bigger problems for people that in thier own heads arent really trolling but do consider the succubus to be sexist ( yes there are people that are serious about that)
they would screenshot then use it to create issues with blizzard and ride the anti activision wave just to add fuel to the fire
so mods arent usually going to censor these topics
i just look at them and roll my eyes ( but we all think differently and are offended by different things ) so i dont feed the troll topics and let them die

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Mods lose their minds after a few weeks reading GD, it is hard to replace them so we have long periods of low to zero moderation.

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I could be a mod but I think everyone would hate me


GD would be a ghost town if adhering strictly to the rules :laughing:

Including this thread since I’m preeetty sure (though not 100%) you aren’t supposed to make threads discussing prior punishments on the forums

Yet that’s exactly what is classified as trolling around here these days.

I have been pointing out this stuff for months because no one else is.

I point out people being outright hostile towards others, and I myself get accused of being a troll and hostile. I’ve even received a few forum vacations for trying to curb the hostile behavior.

What the reason I’m given every time?


Yet there are a few people here that do nothing but insult, attack, and troll at will, with zero repercussions.

If I was new to this game and/or forums and saw these people’s behavior, I would run for the hills and never look back.

I guarantee there are many others that had this same reaction because of these few people’s behavior.

Luup isn’t a troll. She’s a great poster.

Funny. The mods saw fit to close it. And yes it was a troll.


I’ve seen you talk to people and tell them they’re toxic out of nowhere, bro.