Why do people keep asking for changes?

I want there to be an option for updated visuals and I also want 1.5/1.6 AV, perhaps with some balancing in order for the battles to be like they were in 2005, long and drawn-out attrition wars. If I don’t get these things, oh well; I’ll still play and have fun.

On the other hand, look at how many threats have come out of this volatile no-change group on this forum.


Also, some people are so paranoid about sharding, that they’ll wait many months before playing at all:

As well as no-changers threatening to close their wallets over a shared sub, optional new water graphics; no spell batching, 1.12 e-z mode threat; 1.12 e-z mode MC, and numerous other things that they’re demanding, lest Blizzard suffer their wrath.

It just goes on and on, the no-changers can’t be satisfied at this point.

My point was that the majority can hardly be called no-changers.

They don’t want the post vanilla quality of life that ziryus and saqe seem to want. They seem to want classic to be a revamp. Go a different direction.

Those are changes we know about so far, and they back up what blizzard said in the watercooler that they’ll be making various changes that are not core game play.

I’m sure in the next communication or whenever there’s a beta we’ll be learning about other changes they’ve added.

So there is no source. Got it

Source for what? They said they’d be making changes and we know of several relatively big changes they’re making.

A little off-topic but I also want to mention how hilarious it is that people are hiding their profiles. This is 2018, you hiding your profile literally accomplishes nothing. I can have every single one of your posts you’ve ever made about any topic on any Blizzard forum in a second or two.

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They have confirmed 2 changes. Neither was asked for. They have not said they are changing other things beyond possibly using sharding. They have if anything repeatedly stayed true to authentic.

Yeah I don’t even bother.

Ion said there’s some QoL mail changes. I think it’s just for clicking mail in and out of the mailbox but it could be multi item mailing as well.

Which frankly doesn’t do much. I simply shrugged. They’ve said no to all the big tickets though

Oh yeah, for sure. No class balancing, no flying; etc etc. Ion also said they don’t want to mess with the 1.12 data, they probably don’t have the data for earlier AV either which means it’s probably doubtful we’ll be getting anything other than 1.12 AV.

Unfortunate but it is what it is. I’ll still be rooting for it until they make a definitive statement though.

Yes those are changes we know about so far, I guess we’ll see how many more we’re getting in the coming months.

Not to mention the impact just running on modern servers will have, for example go look at how upset some people are that they won’t have spell batching.

Very unfortunate.

They haven’t said no to spell batching coming back.

Ok, I’ve seen enough here. Let’s be real and think about this for a minute:

As another poster has already stated, they can ask for changes all they want. It doesn’t mean they will get them regardless. Blizzard is rereleasing Vanilla, A.K.A. “Classic,” most likely as a way to regain its stolen player base from illegal private servers. 1.12 is what they decided on most likely bc private servers almost exclusively use 1.12 game clients. The reintroduction of Vanilla isn’t just bc the player base has been asking for it for years, it is almost definitely bc of the mass number of people playing a pirated copy of the game for free. Think about how much money Blizzard is losing in both regards. Players lost = loss of money. Seeking legal action against private server bandits = losing a LOT of money. So now, with a business perspective in mind, what is the best solution here to regain what was stolen from you for whatever reason? Meet them halfway and instead of issuing a war against piraters, attempt to sway the bounty away from them by reproducing content from previous expansions. There is a reason that the people on private servers are playing in those versus retail. It isn’t JUST bc of the cost factor of a monthly subscription. It is also bc those people do not care for changes so therefore they actively reject retail WoW and go for what is (to them) the most enjoyable experience. So, to come full circle, no I absolutely do not think changes outside of Vanilla content will be made. That would be counterproductive of the goal here. Blizzard is satiating the thirsts for two groups: the legitimate die hard Vanilla fan with or without an active monthly subscription AND the player who just simply desires to jump back in time to when they game very first began (even those that never got to experience it for themselves).

In conclusion, let the masses scream to the tops of their lungs for what they will undoubtedly never have (at least not this go around - I also agree that Blizzard has a track record of blatantly changing their minds). From what I can tell, Classic will be Vanilla plain and simple. Exactly what we asked for. If it does well, progression servers or servers with other previously released expansions could very possibly become a thing. Subscriptions are dropping. Whether slowly or quickly, this is a thing and Blizzard is doing what needs to be done to lock down their market on a game that holds a place in so many people’s hearts before it is too late. Bigger picture folks. If changes come, deal with it then. Until then, it is all speculation that gets people hot headed for no real reason.

P.S. of course nothing I said here is outside of speculation. It is my opinion as in how it makes sense to me. I’ve been thinking about the Classic servers coming since they were announced and honestly, I’m excited for the raw, unchanged, totally broken version of Vanilla WoW.


Because it baits you people into arguments and that’s the equivalent of a Kobe steak for a troll looking to satiate his hunger. You people are just too easy.

All you need to do is stop responding and move on. Blizzard is the grand master of ignoring forums, why you believe that a solitary post in one of the most Blue starved forums can suddenly jeopardize the fidelity of Classic is beyond me.

All you need to do is look up for their post record and you’ll see that the vast majority of them go from thread to thread suggesting the dumbest things in a passive aggressive demeanor to avoid getting kicked off the forums, yet, you people fall for it, every, single, time.


Agreed. Well stated.

Trying to make the game better

Looks like you have a 120 character so unless you’re quitting altogether, Blizzard’s getting your money.