Why do people keep asking for changes?

The lengths you go to recharacterize what sharding really is… it is a change. Deal with it and move on. That chicken flew the coop

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Temporary sharding for a week or two at launch isn’t a change if it never happens again.

Omg, I can’t continue this point with you. So ridiculous.


His post is heavily against flying, arena, balance, dual spec and other such things.
The stuff people seem to be in favor of is post naxx raids and using classic to reboot wow.
It is in favor of potential balance changes IN THE FUTURE, and adding additional raids at naxx level of gear. It’s on favor of guild banks.

The stuff you’d be interested in, like flying, LFD and LFR, dual spec are all 75% no or more.

Funny, that’s how I feel about a lot of your squawking.

The only things I am interested in now are dual spec or some change to cheapen repair costs, bgs available upon release and maybe arenas. I would love to do classic arenas.

You can play semantics all you want but Blizzard said there will be no changes.

All that stuff the poll is heavily against.

Classic arenas? And you say you aren’t trolling?

Thank God that poll is just a poll then.

He was also at one point all for adding JC, flying, Transmog and other such stuff but somehow he changed his mind

With 33k responses. Which is more evidence then you have ever provided to prove you speak for the masses.

Yep I changed my mind about flying and other things that are just too far removed from classic. Unlike many people in this forum, I am flexible in my thinking and can identify good arguments when I see them.

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That’s funny considering If it came down to it I wouldn’t be against light balance changes or guild banks. I’d rather not open Pandora box.

Actually no they haven’t all if you read the dev water cooler they explicitly said they’re open to non core game play changes. And some of the big ones we’ve already seen are loot trading, right click reporting, possibly some form of sharding.

Blizzard already confirmed there will be changes.

The dust up now is just over what constitutes a change too far.

Woah woah be careful with the changes stuff. People dont take kindly to changes around these parts.

Oh? Beyond loot trading, right click report, and possible sharding what have r hey said will change and provide your source.

Omg lol wth lol.

What? If you make a claim be ready to back it up.