Why do people keep asking for changes?

It’s annoying and Blizzard already said they won’t be doing any. Why do they keep asking?


Starts with a T.


People are viewing Classic as an opportunity for “perfection.” To get in those subtle, or not so subtle, tweaks that make the game that much better.

The issue is “perfection” means very different things to different people.

I have to admit that I started off thinking about all the possible things they could change, but the more posts I read and the more I think about it the more I’m on board with the #nochanges crowd.


[quote=“Lovesbbw-daggerspine, post:3, topic:52418, full:true”]
People are viewing Classic as an opportunity for “perfection.” To get in those subtle, or not so subtle, tweaks that make the game that much better.[/quote]

This is very much the facts of the matter. Vanilla WoW was a great game for its time, but was still a bit of a mess in some areas, especially many class’ internal balance (specifically the Druid and Paladin). Much of it was because the design team was still getting their feet under themselves and finding what what they could do.

That being said, some changes being suggested have zero place in Classic, as they had no place in Vanilla. They do not fit the style of the game nor are they needed to fix the initial faulty game design.

  1. Blizzard asked for feedback.

  2. A lot has happened in 14 years.

  3. Nothing wrong with people asking, it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen or the world is ending because they asked.


True, but they should be wise enough to realize asking for such changes outside of the vanilla window is completely moronic.

  1. blizzard asked for feedback within the realm of vanilla, that’s why all their examples outside of graphics were actual events that occurred during vanilla.
  2. this is true, and the reason for classic is to get away from all that
  3. that depends, are they asking for something blizzard has already said no to or has been asked for already?

Perfection is unobtainable. However if you pursue perfection relentlessly you will catch excellence. -Vince Lombardi

Not even a packers fan but this statement is absolutely true.


Because these people dont want classic wow. They never did. They were the ones saying “Vanilla is awful, you guys arent getting it, but if you did you would hate it because of the lack of balance and QOL stuff”.

Now we got classic anyway, and these people are sort of upset that time and energy is being spent on something they dont WANT. So they do the next best thing:

Try to change classic into the type of game they would want to play.

At the end of the day, these people just cant stand that something is being developed that doesn’t specifically target them. Thats why the “Its not for you” from the mod on this forum riles them up so badly. They KNOW thats true and it just breaks their hearts.


I just want to point out the irony of this question, compared to what it took to get WOW: Classic to be a project at all. The infamous “Wall of NO” was someone else’s view of every person asking for vanilla / legacy servers and saying exactly that, and then Blizzard reversed tracks and said yes.

Unfortunately, that means (to some people) that nothing Blizzard says is set in stone, and Ion laughing about Flight and saying Never to Achievements or Dungeon Finder isn’t any more permanent than Brack’s “No. You think you do, but you don’t.”


For years people asked for Vanilla/Classic realms and they were told ‘They’ve said it a thousand times, NO!’ yet here we are. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say, so the best way to get your way is for you and others alike to make a lot of noise.

Unpopular opinion alert! I’ve got my FR set on, bring on the flames.

Those asking for changes are the realistic ones that don’t have rose-colored glasses when looking back at Vanilla and see this as a golden opportunity to implement some sorely-needed QoL improvements. Even the ones that wouldn’t have an adverse effect on gameplay such as guild banks or a group finder (not teleporter, just a way to organize a group), would do a lot to fix some serious issues Vanilla had.

I played in Vanilla and it doesn’t take half a brain to realize it’s pretty terrible by any modern standard. At the time, it was the best game we had and it was incredible at the time, but from the perspective of today’s Retail…we had no idea how good it could be, it has not aged well. That’s not to say it has no redeeming value, it’ll still be fun to reminisce, but it’s a huge step backward to forgo modern conveniences such not getting dismounted in water, intelligently placed graveyards and flight masters, dungeon maps, daily quests as a realistic source of gold, or AoE loot to name a few pebbles in the mountain of QoL changes Blizzard has made over the years. These were more-often-than-not brought on by the community itself requesting these changes because they realized Vanilla wasn’t that good.


look i could debate the merits of say, guild banks, updated mail (in that, mailing multiple items), and even implementing a LFG Channel in classic.
but some of the stuff they are asking for just has no place within the objective framework that is vanilla.


I agree, I should clarify in my above statement that I’m not in favor of adding a ton of Retail functionality to Classic. I’m just trying to explain their reasoning for requesting them.

You’re wrong - not because your opinion is invalid, but because you’re ignoring some of the cause/effect.

They have stated that they are reverting MAIL CHANGES (of all things) to encourage people to run across continents/the world when someone needs something right now.

Think about that - they’ve (rightly) identified the freaking MAIL as being something that contributes to/takes away from community etc.

It’s hard to look at it in such a holistic manner, but they’re right when they point these things out.

I came into this originally wanting GBanks as 1 change I thought they should bring in, after playing the demo I realize how bad I want the experience to be as close to original as possible.



the problem with adding some of those features though is some of the people here, who shall remain unnamed, would sieze any open door to press for further more unrealistic changes. thus why i tend to stay no changes.


I would mind some things like Guild Banks, etc… But overall, I’d prefer it to remain as close to Vanilla as 7.3.5 can be.

While I love things like LFD/LFR, flying, etc… I don’t really see any place for them in Classic, so I think it’s great that Ion has flat out said no to those.

I also prefer no AoE loot, that way as a skinner, I have control over someone else not being able to skin kills that I’m after.

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If you are open to 1 single change you are open to any change.

Saying you can accept "old AV (pre 1.12) but want everything else 1.12… or you can accept guild banks means…you will accept any change you will accept and other request are invalid simply because you don’t want them.

Either you are no changes or any change is valid… pick a side.



There is a HUGE difference between Johnny saying he wants the original V, single realm BG’s, no battlemasters, pre 1.12 shield slam, pre 1.12 threat generation mechanics and the 1.12 talent trees (all of those being things were part of vanilla) and BIlly saying he wants guild banks, dual spec, flying, transmog and achievements (NONE of which were ever part of vanilla).

We can explain it to you, but we cannot understand it for you.


Because most of those people want to mess with classic, break it you know sadism.

Others don’t want classic.

simple, vanilla was a broken game and needs improvements

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