Why is everyone so optimistic?

I wouldn’t call myself particularly optimistic, but I’m also not particularly pessimistic. I’m in a sort of middle ground, a holding pattern. Thus far, most of the information has leaned toward the side of what I want to see in WOW: Classic.

My two major exceptions are bundling with the Retail sub and sharding. Those two things have me likely to wait a couple months, at minimum, after release. I don’t have to play Day 1. I don’t have to play week 1. I can wait until after the AQ event is done to know sharding wasn’t held in reserve and used over and over. Heck, I could wait to see if Blizzard changes their mind on the combined sub or offers the same Starter Account access, or even gets honest enough to provide numbers of players in WOW: Classic who don’t touch Retail at all.

If WOW: Classic is done right, I could wait a year or two before I touch it and still get what I want from it. And if it is done wrong, waiting a couple months will make that very obvious - and I’ll feel just as smart as I did quitting Legion and not pre-ordering BfA and not paying for Retail for nearly three years now.

Maybe that’s the key for me. Personally, I can walk away for good. WOW: Classic would be a delight, but I’d rather hold onto delightful memories than layer trash on top of them playing just to play if they make a mess of it. (Of course, this makes me decidedly NOT their target audience. They want loyal passionate fans to franchises that can’t walk away.)