Why burning down that tree wasn’t evil

Someone says something you don’t like… So you resort to personal attacks because they aren’t on board with your imaginary waifu… Classy.


Gen was given the OK to attack by Anduin after a Dreadlord convinced them the Horde did the retreat on purpose so the Alliance would have died off there and then at the Broken Shore, and had a plan in Stormheim to utilize the Valarjar against them by Plaguing the living hell out of it.

I will FOREVER bold this until this stupid fanbase gets it through their thick dang skulls Gen did not perform an act of treason nor was it 100% unprovoked. Good God Almighty.


Waifu, bad writing?

Let me guess u love flying and think everything is tedious

What’s some more blizzard hate buzz words u sheeple throw around

ah yes, the daily undead thread defending their undead crap elf leader who abandon then

if its not an elf doing its an undead character

And this is why I haven’t made any Sylvanas threads recently

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An undead trying to give passes on who is and isn’t horde. Undead would fail to realize, if anyone would, that everything is dust in the wind, transient. Forsaken have always been the worst thing about the horde, at least to this noble savage they are the ones if anyone does not fit. My tauren brothers rock the authentic lifestyle at least. Sheesh.

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I hate flying and think everything is too easy. I also love flying and find World Quests really difficult. Something-something Allied Races for free?! Ree!

And the human race does thank you for that public service, Lilith.


Nope, sure didn’t. Would love a legit link though :slight_smile:

He gets mad and makes baseless attacks… This funny.

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That’s a lot of clicking I ain’t keen on doing.

Oh you’re back I see OP.

let me just put this here as always

The saga continues ONCE MORE!

Oh look another person who thinks we care what u say

We dont

Fear not, it will come to a swift and ignominious end once he starts throwing profane tirades out like last time.


I’ve already spoken about the Infinite Dragonflight’s agenda, how the world could be a prison and how Sylvanas could be right about that, so there really isn’t much more to say

I mean…I care thank you very much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Go cry some more

Question mark.

Arthas did nothing wrong. Who hasn’t wanted to purge Stratholme and dominate the world with an immortal undead army once or twice in their lives?


It wasn’t Gul’dan’s fault at all it was because nobody ever tried to give Gul’dan a /hug or anything. In fact it was the elements fault for not making him a shaman duh!

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