These discussions are fine to have - but there are two main camps and very little chance the opposing sides are going to come to a common ground.
AT THIS TIME - and I say that - because things can and do change over time, GDKP runs for GOLD ONLY - are allowed.
That is an entirely different discussion from advertising.
How to get your account reported, and if going against any of the rules, actioned…
Annoy your realm mates with frequency.
1a. This can be spam - no matter where it’s put. -
Advertise in the wrong places.
2a. Various channels have a purpose - this matters no matter what the advertisement happens to be. -
Advertise outside sources of communication.
3a. Discord, websites, etc. - this is against policy. -
Advertise on a low level character or cross-realm.
4a. Policy says the character has to be participating in the run or at the very least ABLE to participate in the run (server/level)
Any of those things can get you reported - and actioned if you run afoul of policy.