Is RMT, GDKP, and Gold Buying banned yet?

and you just refuse to stop embarrassing yourself… :rofl:

I guess providing proof is too difficult a task for you and the rest of the anti-GDKP crowd.
I suggest you learn to shutup when you can’t prove your claim.

you’re spreading misinformation again and continuing to troll, I could reply to you directly in this post with proof and you wouldn’t look at it, but instead start a new reply asking for proof, and that’s why I have to change characters to continue to report your trolling

Oh sweet sweet irony.

All I’ve asked of you and everyone is to prove GDKP is always attached to RMT and how removing GDKP will fix RMT. You refuse to do that… which only proves you’re an embarrassment.

more lies coming from the troll of course… you literally just asked me for proof about someone claiming that they were banned/suspended for advertising gdkps in lfg
another report headed your way


you continue to embarrass yourself…

The quote is where? I saw 1 example under tens of thousands of GDKPs.

I asked you for something different… nice try on the deflection.

here is how I can tell you’ve never been to the CS forums because you wouldn’t last a minute there for trolling with every post you make, literally the first gdkp post I find on cs forums has wasianbroly asking a blue why ppl are getting banned for advertising for gdkps that are “allowed”

uninstall and delete your account
i literally said

and yyou asked for a claim lmfao oh well catch another trolling report

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Yet none of them are my quotes… talk about an absolute embarrassment, when did I ask you for proof of any of this? You made a claim early on and I demanded proof. You can’t supply said proof and until you do, nothing you say matters at all.

So take your advice…

Talk about a joke of a human being :rofl:

Go to bed bud, you clearly need it. Til next time, that was too funny and easy.

you replied to my post stating ppl are getting banned for advertsing gdkp in lfg so it’s definitely got a bad rep outside of your rmt community, botlover
so there’s your proof

My community? Lol. What a :clown_face:

Those people aren’t being banned either for those reasons.

That’s only proof that you said something, where is the proof that they are being banned for advertising?

it is your community since you’re stalwart beside them, and that is exactly the reason they are being banned for, as stated in the rules and blue posts that I linked above that you clearly didn’t read because you don’t care about proof, but rather say the word just to troll

how is it proof that I said something when it is them that said it? do you know how to read? why do I keep replying to these botlovers man

do you claim you are a human? where is the proof?

I never claimed to be human, I might be a hobbit.


Do you have proof of your ACTUAL claim tho? Nope.

so you can’t prove your claim of being a human, I’ll assume you’re a bot then that repeats troll phrases about proof and completely disregards any posts linking to said proof

that explain a lot of your willingness to defend rmt and bots though

Daily reminder if you bring up era in regards to vanilla or classic your argument is moot. A musuem server with billons of duped gold has nothing to do with progressive vanilla. Stay on topic.

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“Supported” in Blizzard’s terms means it is an official game mode that is intended and supported by the Development team and by CS policies. That if something goes wrong Blizzard will fix a bug, or assist with returning gold.

Any gold transaction outside the AH, or documented trade of items and gold through the trade window, is unsupported.

  • Loans of gold are unsupported
  • Carries for gold are unsupported
  • Power leveling for gold is unsupported
  • Any loot system that is not coded into the game, is unsupported.

Player developed systems and agreements may be allowed, but they are not “supported” in that Blizzard won’t help if it goes wrong, and won’t be developing the game to consider whatever the players were doing.

This goes to the loot policy too. Blizzard does not get involved in Loot Disputes. They will investigate scams and will remove ill gotten gains, but they won’t return gold or items to the wronged party.

Here is the loot disagreement policy

Players are free to use any system they want (loot council, DKP, bid DKP, GDKP, etc.) but Blizzard is not going to step in and fix it if it goes wrong. Hence unsupported.

Here is one example of a Blue recently trying to explain Blizzard’s long standing policy on player agreed services.

A lot of things in WoW are considered “unsuported” so are at your own risk.


No it isn’t. The report button is available for many reasons, including harassment, stalking, threats etc. You are welcome to report bots and rmt if you desire as well, but that is not our job nor is it required. I’m here to play and have fun, I’m not paying this company so I can spend my time cleaning up their mess. I’m not defending botting and rmt, I would love to see the end of that, but you can’t tell me that it’s my job to do the work of monitoring and reporting these activities for the company as a paying customer.

I saw a youtube short from a former Blizzard employee bragging about how “smart” Blizzard was that the botters never figured out their bot detection method when Blizzard did ban waves every 6 months.

And I thought to myself - why would bot makers even care about your bot detection methods if you allow them six months to farm freely with no interference? It’s no wonder the bot situation is so out of control if Blizzard thinks that that is a viable solution to botting. Actually insane. Bot makers win if their bot operates for a single month, much less six.

But of course, you know that Blizzard isn’t hiring cutting edge machine learning programmers who are using behavioral analysis to detection human vs botted behavior. They have an intern who runs a script that just bans players who mail 10,000 gold to other players and then they let CS sort through the unbans. Lazy and sad.

A perfectly understandable perspective! It brings up a wider kind of philosophical subject though.

What is our role in keeping communities we are part of, safe/nice/clean?

We pay our taxes for police to keep public order and enforce laws. We pay highway departments and towns to clean up litter, patch potholes, maintain safe and clean spaces.

They can’t be everywhere at once though. Do citizens have a responsibility or role in reporting crimes? How about throwing trash away properly? Reporting pot holes, blocked storm drains, or a grafitied building? Do citizens just look the other way and say “it is not my job”, or do they play a role in working with our taxpayer funded public service orgs. Police can’t police everything all at once and depend on citizens calling in to report things.

I guess I personally see games the same way. If I want to be a part of that community, my role in keeping that community clean is to report things to the people we pay to clean it up. It takes teamwork to create, and maintain, a pleasant and safe place. In game or in real life.

Brought to you by morning coffee! Warm beverages to all and I hope your day is starting, or ending well.

:coffee: :teapot: :cookie: