GDKP are they bannable?

Your question has been answered over and over again, including a blue post:

To say “will not be banned” is not going to be given an affirmative, because there are other rules that must be followed as well.

Here’s a summary:

GDKP’s are currently allowed, but they are unsupported. Meaning there is no support for these runs if things go sour, if promises are broken (may be investigated as a scam, but no reimbursement/restoration is likely for your character), if illegal gold is in play, etc.

Advertisements are allowed in Trade (Services) for retail and Trade for Classic/SoD where the Trade (Services) channel may not exist. BUT, these advertisements are still subject to the other rules as Orylia listed above.

If other players think you are spamming, they are allowed to report you for spam, and NO ONE is exempt from the possibility of being squelched at any time, for any reason. If a squelch happens, a GM may or may not agree with the reports and as such, you may or may not be actioned for it.