Just what the title says. I’m looking for a laid back casual-ish RP guild that doesn’t mind I work an odd shift (more active during the morning/early afternoon than evening/late). Discord is fine, but also would like a guild that -talks- in game too
OOC: this character is one I’m leveling through old content so I can catch up on everything I’ve missed. I have a lvl 80 priest on MG that’s my “main”, but I don’t RP them, only do current content and then park them until the next season, or just farm transmogs on them. As mentioned, I work an odd shift so I’m on during the day more than evening/night. I’m a geriatric millennial with a family, so my hardcore days are long over at this point. I just play for fun, and it’s been years since I RP’ed but wouldn’t mind doing it on a casual/no-OOC-drama basis.
Character: Taraej Sunscar is a Sandfury troll in self-imposed exile because he thought life in Tanaris was some real BS. So long story short, he just kinda left his tribe when the opportunity presented itself, and went out into the world for a better life.
Turns out the “better life” meant mostly mercenary work, and the Horde offers plenty of work – and so that’s where he hangs out/allies with. He’s about 30, laid back, kind of quiet but not in a hostile or grumpy way – mainly just learned that, as an “outsider” to the Horde (even if an ally), to keep his head down, his mouth shut, and just get the work done without a fuss.
Doesn’t mean he hasn’t had opinions or concerns, but he’s not going to get swept up in a rebellion, either. He has no desire to go back to the Sandfury or find himself working a mine for some goblin cartel because he screwed up his chances in the Horde.
Again, it’s been years since I’ve RPed and I’m not sure where to start looking outside these forums for any guild that might fit. Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.
The last post on this thread is one I put together not too long ago of the active guilds who advertise on the forums. You might be able to find something here.
You can also get a look at the listings on the WrA-RP Discord. Other players there are also happy to give suggestions and talk about RP and your character
You are welcome to check us out, we are Vigilants of Tyr. We are totally not a cult lmao but we have members that fell in with the group through various circumstances that isn’t necessarily for religious reasons. For the most part, we are a good guy organization doing good guy stuff mostly.
Otherwise, OOC, we are an easy going group that have been playing together for years, some of us over a decade!!! Our discord is always active but in game chat does pick up during the evenings when we are most active in game. Most folks are on the older side and we all have jobs and kids and obligations, so no problem if folks have to miss events.
If we aren’t a good fit for your character, you’re still welcome to hang out in Discord with us. We have plenty of non-guilded friends in our server and like to chat about WoW and other games and w/e sillyness.
Here are a few more Discords to help you out that haven’t been mentioned yet:
WCP (Wyrmrest Community Project)
The WCP came onto the scene in 2021 and has 1.6k+ WrA members. It’s goal is to be a networking server to plan and advertise RP events, find guilds, make new RP connections, and overall be in tune with the RP pulse of WrA on Horde and Alliance. It has a very active #looking-for-guild channel where we (Staff, especially Sswatch) give a personal response to folks who ask for help.
Invite : https://discord.gg/7PY25buzpK
Horde Guild Faire
The HGF is a monthly bumpin’ event over in Orgrimmar and is highly attended. It’s a great way for WrA-H to showcase its many guilds and you can connect to their guild listings and the date of their next faire here.
Invite: https://discord.gg/zD3VAP9dp6
Alliance Guild Faire
The AGF is back after hiatus. It’s no secret that WrA-A is smaller than its Horde counterpart but it’s been undergoing a steady growth and renaissance for some time. Next faire is next week in Stormwind and also includes a “Love is in the Faire” transmog contest. For more info, see:
Invite: https://discord.gg/HEQDa3hMeU
Rook’s Pursuit
Rook’s Pursuit started recently and is headed up by Lluagor. It too pushes RP initiatives and events like the recent super-successful Lost Market. It’s also ICly tied to a character and Llu can give more info about that if/when he hops into the thread.
The ‘go-to’ approach is to have your character part of the game world, not playing the hero or villain. Make a decision on their traits; it is important in how they react with over characters. Make your character change as their life progresses!! Little things matter! Do hair color change with age? If a character has not been around fel magic, will their eyes revert to natural state leaving the magic to fade a bit? Those are just few examples!
Make your character part of what you do with them OOC too! Sadgati calls dungeons, BGs, EBGs, raids, etc War Games . In other words, it is like a sporting tournament to maintain her skills. Are you at work all day and can’t play often? Well, so is your character!! They can talk about their employment in character, whatever job they may have.
Several don’ts: Follow other characters to places where your character may not frequent. If a character you RP with often is in Suramar and you play as an orc, best not to send your character unless there is an IC reason to do so ahead of time. DO NOT do the Mary Sue!! Oh my god!! Ever watch Game of Thrones and noticed how painful the show gets towards the last season? Just how many places can a character really go? How much can a character really do from about the years 580 to 634 (King’s calendar)
Those are just a few tips as a moderate RPers. Oh finally…play all the book quests in Lord of The Rings Online or run a few stories in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Both of those games does a far better job of incorporating your character into the world.
I’m a very experienced (previously published) writer and RP vet So I know all the do’s-and-don’ts of RP, it’s just been a long while because I lost interest in RP after years of it and the drama it brings (last time I was big into RP was around Cata/the goblin theme craze, prior to that I played on a different RP server and had loads of fun in various RP guilds back in the early days of WoW). Hence why I’d like to keep it casual and just find a very casual guild to chill with. Plus I work insanely weird hours and that makes it difficult to really hang out in game during peak RP times. I’ll probably have to do most of my RP on discord/in a guild, unfortunately.
A good way to insulate yourself from potential drama related to RP is guild your toons off realm. Then join in-game communities for RP. This works well for alternate playstyles such as PvP, Mythics, Raids, etc… Maybe there will be a way to hide guild tags on toons in the future.