Hey RPers, whether you’re new, returning or have been on WrA since the beginning, or thinking of trying us out, we’re looking for you! Wyrmrest RP is a new Discord set up to promote Alliance, Horde and Neutral IC interaction on Wyrmrest Accord. We have original ideas and activities hosted by WrA-RP:
- RP Resources - ways to enhance RP
- Tavern Project - each month a new tavern, new time, new theme
- Wyrmrest Society Papers - WrA reporting of society events is hosted here
- Server Events
- IC Connections - a place to tell other RPers what you’re looking for
- The Adventure Project - an ongoing adventure RP for server members to attend events and follow up with a ticket system on the Discord
This is an ongoing work in progress - we’re adding new ideas and projects all the time. And it’s a place where anyone will be able to go and find their way into RP on the server. Please feel free to join, look around, post things and make suggestions. We would love to see you there!
(Please note that while this is a WrA based Discord for Alliance, Horde or Neutral characters, guilds and events on WrA, we are happy to invite RPers from other servers to join us! Our calendar is specifically for WrA events, but we are happy to try to find or provide an anchor if you’d like to participate.)
Easy to use interface / channels for ppl like me who don’t entirely know our way around discord.
I like it.
I really would like to see RP start to grow on WRA, and this seems like a good start.
Just asking because I’m not in the WCP discord, but how is this one different than that one?
Edit: Disregard, found the discussion in another thread
Bumping for visibility. We’re still pretty new, but people are joining every day!
I’ve joined. I’ve never RP’d but it’s something I’ve always wanted to try to find time for, even if just to meet new folks outside of dungeons.
I’m hoping to make it a good place to start. So far, I’ve been able to ping up where walk up RP is actually happening, post some event screenshots and start a few other posts.
If you’re looking to try out RP in-game, ping me on either Kirsy (Horde) or Larisi (Alliance) or post up something in the Discord and we can look at getting you started 
This here’s the weekly bump, innit?
Bump her, I barely know her.
Making some minor changes to the Discord to add some things that have been discussed and requested
We’ve had a nice influx of RPers lately and a lot of good ideas!
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Well, I am not against giving WrA another try. Count me in…
You really do have to take a couple months and level a character or two here on WrA. It’s a small but enjoyable Alliance community that has been picking up as of late.
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It’s been just about a month and the Wyrmrest-RP Discord has been continually growing. Since we started, here’s what we’ve got:
We currently have one OOC Chat Channel, and one Off-Topic forum with divisions for pets/memes/music (and that’s it!). I’m happy to say the OOC chat is always hopping with discussion focused almost entirely on RP, and we’re mostly downplaying the off-topic channel completely.
The Event Calendar not only pulls events from other Discords, but that’s where I’m dropping daily or monthly event lists as well as events that are only advertised on the Forums or other places, so the calendar stays as inclusive as possible.
Right below that is Beacons and Anchors - a channel we use to discuss finding RP currently going on. We’ve got RPers with their eyes open and calling out whatever’s happening across the server. They’ve had great luck in spotting various walk up locations, guilds out and about, or just groups of RPers out in the wild.
There are a good number of Character Sheets listed, complete with details and art.
RP Connections is for players to reach out to each other and tell folks what kind of RP they’re looking for.
RP Screenshots - mostly being used for screenshots of actual events. I’d like this to showcase the fact that WrA events have decent turn out, not just random screenies of people’s transmogs (a few of those have snuck in, but are at a minimum).
IC Recruitment - this is a new recruitment channel for guilds and communities, but ads must be almost entirely IC.
We have a channel to discuss Lore and Headcanon, and that’s also where we’re posting links from Wowhead or Icy Veins that discuss transmogs or upcoming game changes that are important to RPers. I don’t feel that Wowhead needs its own separate feed, since it brings in game-play, Diablo and other things that don’t focus or benefit RPers.
Prompts with a Canon Twist is not your typical “what’s your character’s favorite color” type prompt list. We’ll be asking people to discuss what’s going on with their character in relation to things that are currently happening in-game.
Plots - Resources is a channel with different resources that players can use to enhance their RP. It includes lists of rumors, various RP roll contests that have been tested in events, and a list of NPC ideas to pull from if a DM needs one quickly. We’ll still be adding more to this channel in the future. I expect to have a quick and dirty list of plot hooks thrown into the mix shortly.
Wyrmrest Society Paper - this is being hosted on this Discord and cross-posted onto the forums.
The Tavern Project - each month a new tavern, new time, new theme. I wanted to do something different and unique. For instance, the first tavern isn’t exactly a tavern at all. It’s a Shaman Blessing and Feast Event. The second is drinking and armor repair.
Jobs and Missions - this channel has 2 functions: Players can use it to look for people for their RP plots. Need a bodyguard, a fence or an explorer to find a mcguffin? Post here. Also, we’ll be posting random RP prompts hosted by the WrA-RP Discord for mini events. I’m hoping to add one prompt per month to the board. The missions would be DMd by the poster. The first one is active: The Panda Book.
The Society - can’t tell you about this one. Sorry!
IC Channels and One Shots - For players who can’t get online or whose subscription has lapsed, but who still want to participate, we’ve added IC channels for popular locations and a spot for stories.
Regular Server Events - we will be putting together server events regularly and will host from this Discord. They will archive after they close so others can peruse them and use ideas as they wish.
And finally, the most ambitious part of the Discord is The Adventure Project. Meant to be the cornerstone of the Discord, this is a new concept for RP on WrA. The idea here is to start an ongoing in-game adventure with supplemental activity.
An RP event is scheduled for people to attend, investigate and explore. When they find a mystery, then they can open a ticket on the Discord and present screenshots of emotes and rolls for their further investigative efforts, and interact with a DM. All rolls will receive something, but better rolls will get better hints and clues. Once enough hints and clues are distributed, another event will be scheduled so people can get together and progress the RP story.
This will be kicking off mid to late November and will start small, but participation is open to any member of the Discord. This may also grow into having a few other functions, such as actor requests, as well as a Reliquary of discovered items, a Leader Board to show who’s had the most successful investigations or who has fenced the most relics to the Black Market, and possibly events to create things to enhance investigation rolls in the future.
We’re also happy to announce that we’ll be working in conjunction with Rook’s Pursuit on various projects and community events across the server. This is a group effort that anyone can join, and we’d love to see what you could bring to the table. Look for those to start sometime in the next few weeks after a bit more organization. Join either Discord (or both) to jump in.
Please note that the WrA-RP Discord was created to give WrA some framework and infrastructure to continue to be fresh and viable. We have enough RP on this server that we can easily support multiple Discord communities, and we absolutely should.
I’ve purposely and deliberately worked to give the WrA-RP Discord its own feel and function, which has been my goal since day 1. Keeping PvE, PvP and real life topics to a minimum, as well as carefully categorizing channels has given us a strong focus, and our recruitment efforts have brought in players who were unaware of how much RP is actually happening. Are there some overlaps with other Discords? Sure. But I’m not pressed about that in any way and neither should anyone else be. WrA-RP was not created to “compete” with any other Discords promoting RP or Wyrmrest Accord. It’s proof of a healthy and growing community if we can field this kind of effort.
Has it really been a month already? 
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Time flies when you’re having rum.
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If I put on a fake pair of glasses and comb my hair a little different, think anyone would recognize me?
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No, 'cause you wear a mask. You could literally be any Forsaken. If you do that, you can be Forsaken Clark Kent.
*Sneaking around the server spying on roleplayers. *
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Forsaken Clark Kent would never.
Blast you, Forsaken super hero (villian!).
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