Where is the #NoChanges crowd?

Have we met?

In Classic, they said #nochanges, yet made changes anyway. It was worth complaining then to remind them that they should provide us with what they promised us.

Unlike in Classic, Blizzard has explicitly stated they’re doing #somechanges. There is no #nochanges movement for TBC.

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Hopefully shutting up.

well I agree with lvl 58 boost, they have my vote and i hope it wins! boooo to keeping things old man

How unfortunate

They did it before, they will do it again.


Chilling. Not our fight.

There is no vote. There will be a boost. These #noboost discussions are for entertainment purposes only.



I like this guy, he acts like we have some control on the matter. Great optimisim though! But I hate to break the news, but in the end this is not a democracy, if Blizzard really wants something in the game, they are going to put it in.

Luckey, he’s trolling.

Define “dead”.

What change would you like to see, to help you find resolve? I choose an AoE cap. What about you?

This is where im at with it this is my proposal to the boost, safe thing on the player and business side to a degree, actually good for social interaction and leveling alts, and inspiring the hearts of players <3 Please help me with this! TBC Arena Realm Championship? - WoW Classic / The Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

They went back to their Pservers where they should have stayed. Blizzard was never going to recreate their beloved Nostalrius. They should have never met with the thieves in the first place.

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Most of you don’t even know what #nochanges originally meant.

I mean… I think if you had the numbers to convince them to stop, you would have by now.

Really, if you do have that kind of power, you’d better get moving. You’re running out of time.

I am not convinced you have the numbers.

i doubt anyone from the #nochanges group is going to be on forums its the biggest trigger place to go. be like a person with OCD touring a hoarder house, triggered just going to the site.

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WRONG!! TBC starts when it launches and is ONLY accessible by characters level 58 and up. If you are going to troll, find newer, fresher arguments that have not been smashed a thousand times.

In one of your above posts, you call a player out by name. No, it is not me. That is not the point. You should know that doing that is one of the few things Blizzard will come down hard on. When you end up on forum vacation, Remember that it was your own temper that earned that for you.

No changes was just Blizzards excuse to not spend money fixing anything.

Alterac valley 10000000% proves this.

implementing the worst version of AV without the horde start area moved back resulting in 99% horde win rate for 2 years now.

It’s fine, no changes.

Alliance, through clever use of game mechanics manage to overcome this terrible game design and get the win percentage closer to 50/50 by premading teams.

Blizz dev kiddies cry and it’s patched MULTIPLE TIMES to disallow players to group together in an MMO because **gasp it gave the alliance a fighting chance in Alterac Valley.

I would bet my bitcoin a developer’s kid who plays horde was behind that getting patched.

“bu buh daaaaaaaad! it’s not fair!”