Where is the #NoChanges crowd?

Says the level 21.

I like how you have zero counter argument as well.

“Changes when horde cry”

Yeah how dare they ruin your game experience… somehow…? Oh wait, it doesn’t, you can play TBC anyway and enjoy it and won’t even know the boost exists instead instead of dismantling your own mental health over a non-issue

There are plenty of way to game the Youtube algorythym to bloat your videos views and likes. There are entire instructional videos on the very Youtube platform teaching how to game the system and “trick” people into watching your videos or inflate your likes.

So do I remotely trust it a source of public opinion? Heck no, and anyone that does needs to get out of the basement and join us in the real world.


The public has spoken Luckey. We want Spiderman and Elsa videos. Also, I want more videos of how to lifehack the perfect cake. Maybe a makeup tutorial and a video of someone eating 50 hamburgers dipped in nacho cheese on the weekend.

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The #nochanges crowd are silent, as they should be. Usually when people are wrong, they tend to back down and not be the center of attention.


Times are changing. People dig in further, these days!

Hopefully the no changers are told to sit down and shut the hell up. We don’t need those loudmouths ruining TBC like they ruined classic peddling their fake news and BS about how things really were.


Dude seriously What about instead of the boost something that was ACTUALLY IN THE GAME!!! the arena realm!!! TBC Arena Realm Championship? - WoW Classic / The Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

All the nochanges idiots probably quit after they realised their stupid philosophy basically ruined vanilla classic

Did you guys enjoy your totally authentic vanilla experience of everything being dead outside of 60 content due to mage boosts? Hell yer #nochanges!!!1!

They all left shortly after AV was fixed.

Go away, please. There are no points left to make, a large portion of the player base disagrees with you. Stop posting, thanks.

The nochange crowd is also suspiciously silent on the fact that recruit-a-friend boosting existed in TBC :thinking: I suspect most of them didn’t actually play TBC.


RAF, reduced exp requirements to level, improved quests in low levels… no blizzard never tried to funnel people into Outlands prior to boosts…


Parler was cancelled. :wink:

Why is it terrible for the game? Not really heard a single good reason. It mostly seems like noboost people just want people to suffer 1-58 before they can play TBC.

It still exists.

The delusion and ignorance of the anti boosters is mind boggling. RAF was infinitely more beneficial to botters but they used it as an alternative to the 58 boosts not knowing how to abuse it lol.

The slippery slope is real. They start with very limited boosts. That’s ok right it’s only 1 per account. They let us get used to it then introduce something else that seems reasonable. By doing this they constantly move the bar forward. They did it before, they can do it again.

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*will, do it again.

Why you’re surprised, or think you can stop it, is beyond me,