So you’re just going to let them get away with this 58 boost?
Will the no change crowd pay $40 like before?
No then boost will stay
Blizzard has been making terrible changes to Classic since before it was released.
Inv layer 2
Nothing to this extreme. What part of leave it alone do they fail to grasp?
Fortunately it seems like #nochanges was at least somewhat shamed by how badly that worked out for classic.
Elaborate plz
Layering was implemented.
Nochangers frothed at the mouth.
Layering was removed.
Queue times occurred.
People realized they don’t like those.
Batching, thanks #nochanges…
Managing population problems is not the same as handing boosted 58s
Go away, please. There are no points left to make, a large portion of the player base disagrees with you. Stop posting, thanks.
Asked and answered.
Large portion? Maybe because you’re the loud minority here, you actually believe that. Go to YouTube where millions of wow players watch content and they all hate it. Wow forums is not the accurate representation of the player base. It would be like assuming all Americans hang out on Twitter.
What does that have to do with the price of tea in Tennessee?
All they wanted was classic wow. That’s why vanilla was so popular on the pservers. TBC pservers are waaaay less popular. pservers by popularity.
2. Wrath
3.The rest
What are they supposed to do? I know I am leaving toons in Classic Forever, so it is irrelevant to that. As far as TBC, a pristine TBC launch JUST like it was way back when doesn’t concern me.
OH yea, Classic the HUGE failure …lol… Isn’t there an AV post you should be making?
Hard to actually judge pserver pops, most of them botch their launches and people stop playing them.
And it really needs a recent fresh to judge population. MoP pservers are asked about a TON, problem is they’re harder to get right then Vanilla-wrath and there’s currently only one decent one, but it’s on SoO and no fresh is coming up, they’re going to legion.
Multiple TBC servers had huge launches last year, but they all screwed it up lol.
Sorry wow forum are not your echo chamber TBC starts at level 1 and boosts are terrible for the game.
Well I’m going into TBC as a 60. Am I doing something wrong?
Yes you’re a hacker I’ve reported you to the proper authorities
They left ages ago, they were never interested in the game just being on the hype train.
All they did was wall of nope bug fixes and things that would have made Classic a more enjoyable experience for all players. They were only interested in the game being for them and like all entitled people, they leave once it’s no longer en vogue.