Where do you report bullying?


Hard to report.

If it is on the forums, you block the player that is bullying you and if they circumvent that by swapping toons you can file a gm ticket.

If you have someone in game harrassing you, place them on ignore and if they bypass the ignore do the same thing with submitting a ticket.

However, if there’s Doxxing or threats, it’s best to just open a GM ticket with screenshots names and time stamps to let a GM look over it. Hope that helps.


Make sure you don’t reply to this individual at all, if they’re contacting you.


Just as a by the by. Being kicked from a group is not bullying, if that is what this is in reference to. You can be kicked for any reason at all and they don’t have to say a single word to you. It is an in-game solution to an in-game problem, and you were voted out by the majority of your group. That’s really the end of it.

Now, if they were whispering you all sorts of vulgarities and toxic things, that is something else altogether. But neither your fellow players are bullying you by giving you the boot from a group, nor is Blizzard bullying you by imposing a debuff.

[EDIT] Some insight from previous posts:




And to touch on this a bit: Probably best not to insult folks replying to you. I can get being mad at something, but it’s probably isn’t best to snap at other people.


Technically speaking, there’s nothing to report. You seem to equate being kicked from a group to bullying, and unfortunately it’s not. It’s a group choice to keep you around or remove you at their discretion.


You might want to stop, trolling here will earn you some trouble from the SFAs. Looking at your post history, you are a bit caustic.

Getting kicked from a group is not bullying, no one should be forced to play with some one they don’t want to play with.


The VtK system exists, ultimately, to help groups protect themselves from an individual or individuals they do not wish to be partied with.


It’s not victim blaming to explain how something works, so please, leave the hyperbole back in General Discussion. Customer Support is a forum where your peers come to help other players much like yourself.

In none of these posts do you see a single person telling you that it’s your own fault for being kicked or anything of the sort. I did reference your GD post, just in trying to clarify where the supposed bullying was coming from, since your post here wasn’t quite so informative.

You don’t have to like how something works and you are certainly invited to offer your CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions and feedback in the proper places (for your dislike of the dungeon deserter debuff, that would be best kept to General Discussion or the Dungeons forum, for what it’s worth).

But coming in here with a victim complex doesn’t serve you in the slightest. Nor does lashing out at people who only answered the question you put forth with no judgment towards you or the situation you find yourself in. Instead, it puts you in the precarious position of being in violation of the CoC for being abusive towards your fellow players.


Ahem! We don’t want it either! :upside_down_face:


bullying people is wrong. if they harass you. put them on ignore. it is not right to treat people with disrespect. doing so can distrust the player. it’s rude.

While you don’t go into any details that could give us insight into what may have happened, Pafierra your recent posting history does seem to indicate your issue is with the Vote to Kick system.

As Leilleath quoted, using that system is not considered bullying or harassment. While of course we want everyone to get along, there will be times when a group doesn’t mesh. In those situations, we give some agency to the players in that group by allowing them to vote to remove another member.

The deserter debuff is there to discourage folks from abandoning a group immediately after entering a dungeon, and unfortunately, because there are sometimes individuals who would, usually through bad behavior, encourage the group to use the vote to kick system to help avoid that debuff, it is still a factor in those situations.

If you would like to see how the Vote to Kick system works changed, please feel free to submit your ideas to our developers either by posting on the forums or submitting your suggestions through the option in the in-game support menu.