Remove the option to kick players in Normal Dungeons unless AFK

No. Unfortunately, it’s working as intended. There are plenty of other situations where the kick button could and should be used beyond just being AFK.

I would definitely agree with warning folks you’re new to the class or dungeon and whatnot. Most people will be mindful of that. Some, will not and will probably kick you on that merit alone. It is the cost of running instances with random people you don’t know, unfortunately. If you’re speaking about retail and the ability to use the Dungeon Finder? It’s doubly the cost for convenience’s sake.

Running with friends or guildmates are the only ways to (hopefully) ensure that you’re running with folks who are willing to work with you.

It can be a jerk move for people to do, but they’re using the system as it intends to be used. If they didn’t know you were new to something? They’re not going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Folks want to run things, get through them quickly and be on to the next. At this stage in any iteration of the game with new expansions on the horizons for Classic Progression and Retail, and simply the age of Classic - the majority of players know the instances and can likely do them with their eyes closed.

If you don’t speak up, the group will plow ahead.



Your thread has already been moved from CS to the appropriate forum, so now the Devs can see your feedback here. It’s not a guarantee any changes will be made, but at least your voice will be heard.

Good luck to you.

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