Dont buy a store mount that is on sale yet!

Test your luck at winning one not on sale or TWO yes TWO that are! Im giving away FREE ones to 4 lucky winners! Raffle ends Sunday the 19th @ noon EST! So ignore this thread after Sunday

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100% sure this is against TOS

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Its a raffle of me giving away store mounts. No its not. This is my 3rd one and there is literally a gift option when buying them. Not violating any TOS. This is a giveaway. Nothing is taken in exchange


Bumping to say you’re awesome for doing these giveaways.

(But, I’m taking a WoW break so I don’t need one)


No gold or money exchanged so it is in the TOS. it’s just someone being nice and giving away mounts and trying to get the community together and active by getting people to enter by just commenting on a thread. Least that’s what it looks like to me.


Your not wrong of of those community members in the thread donated 2 more mounts so my raffle went from 2 winners to 4! This was BEFORE the sale and we had not planned on the sale. So now those 4 winners can choose 2 mounts that are on sale instead of 1 thanks to Blizzards sale! 4 lucky people will have a happy Holiday!

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Omg that’s super nice of them! =) I’m glad yall are getting people together and doing stuff like this. =)

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Feels like one of those scams that promises that they will not use information after you give it all to them.

I don’t really feel that posting your favorite x-pack will provide useful information to anyone

Hes scared Blizzard is secretly watching the thread for market research? :scream:

I stand corrected. Kudos for generosity.

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I posted there already.

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Not against ToS, this community is seriously bonkers but thanks Grimoire for being a positive light in this cesspool! :slight_smile:


Nah you were just in the “there must be a catch here” mindset. Its kind of the default mindset. People being nice is that rare. Sad eh?

Just trying to spread holiday cheer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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waves at Grimoire and wiggles toes

I don’t even have one store mount. I will toss my hat into the arena for one.

Actually, I did already buy a half price mount. I’ve been planning for a long while to get Hogrus as soon as this sale came around, and no way was I relying on fate to have me win your giveaway in order to get it.

Should the wow gods be generous enough to let me be one of your winners, there are plenty of other store mounts that I don’t have.

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