I really enjoyed TBC but I have the best memories in Wrath so for the sake of this thread, I’m going with Wrath.
I had an amazing guild and I had so much fun with them. The guild leader and I were tanks and we were so in sync with each other. Never fought over who was the main tank. My husband still played and he kept me alive (resto Druid.) The night we got the 10m meta achievement for ICC felt like we won the game.
It was that guild, not the xpac itself, that made Wrath my favorite era of WoW.
I’m horrible at picking just one thing as my favorite, so I’m a bit torn between Wrath and Mists.
Wrath hits a lot of the general nostalgia beats that I’m sure many players enjoyed with it culminating the story from WCIII. But it was also the expansion that I created the character that has been my main ever since, appropriately a Death Knight. It was when I met one of my best friends who I’ve met in person multiple times, and even my mother remembers him as “that nice young man you bonked with a poster tube” (even though he’s not a young man anymore). And it was also the first expansion I was really able to go mega try hard on playing the game/raiding/etc., and do almost everything I wanted to. I had always been an information fiend with the game, planning and strategizing long term for this dungeon, and that gear, but rarely getting the chance to fully realise those things, but now I finally could.
Mists I have a harder time explaining, everything in that expansion just kinda felt right and played smoothly for me even though I wasn’t actually able to play as much as I wanted for a tier. I can definitely say it had two of my favorite Death Knight playstyles, being Festerblight during ToT, and Masterfrost in SoO (not Mastersimple). Long as the raid itself literally was, and the tier, I greatly enjoyed SoO and my guild at the time. Mythic progression didn’t feel like a drag, and neither did all the reclears to get everyone’s mounts. There’s not a ton of notable moments, or crowning achievements, it all just felt good and worked at the time.
Mists was the most mature of the expansions. It was peak “old WoW”.
The single biggest issue with MoP was the bazillion dailies early on. Those actually drove me away for a short time. But then the Vale was crushed and all was well.
Isle of Thunder, Isle of Giants, Timeless Isle, all had their charms. Timeless Isle is held up as one of the best end game zones they’ve ever done.
This was also pre-scaling, so each zone had their own character. As a fresh 90, (it was 90, right?) Dread Wastes was pretty dangerous, so you couldn’t just walk all over it.
I have a love/hate relationship with Scaling, but since leveling is so short, it’s mostly moot nowadays anyway.
Probably because it was shortly after Wrath (which is the golden child for most people), and far enough in the past (beyond Legion and BfA) to be easily forgotten.
I did like the aesthetics of the zones from MoP though <3
My favorite expansion would have to be MoP . Even though I started playing around Wrath prepatch it was in MoP where I came into my own as a player . In Cata I found the class I truly enjoyed as well as spec ( Goblin Surv Hunter). With MoP I took what I learned in Cata and became more proficient with my play and actually got more into aspects that I had not done before in the game like raiding .
MoP got me into doing things like doing Legendary quest lines as well getting me more interested in learning about the lore of WoW and the Warcraft franchise .
As for that once RSurv Hunter , the started in Cata and fell in love with MoP well in Legion he went MM and in BfA well the little pointy eared green skinned pew pewer became a big stronk Mag’har orc.
I still laugh about this. The devs gave a pretty good explanation about why the daily cap existed at some point, as a designed way to keep people from feeling overwhelmed or burning out. Then players complained about exactly that once they finally did get the cap removed going into MoP, lol.
All you need to do is share why it is your favorite. Can be two sentences or can be a paragraph. Doesnt matter. Names a drawn at random. How long your reply is has no baring on who wins at all. Its 100% fair and random
Peak WoW. I loved Arthas as a villain. I loved Northrend. Ulduar and ICC were and still are the best raids in the game (and I don’t care who this upsets, I LOVED Flame Leviathan). The music, the raids, the ambience, it was great.
And I don’t care what Danuser says, WCIII’s saga ended with Arthas’s death on ICC.
Wrath for a number of reasons. It was really the last time we had the full group of RL friends together, it was finally time to resolve the leftover WC3 Arthas material and I just loved the aesthetic(zones, gear, enemies).
Favorite expansion, Warlords. I liked the garrison and what you could do, and not be bothered by other players asking for this or that. I liked gearing my alts for leveling purposes. Most of the zones were very well done, Nagrand and Frostfire Ridge were my favorites, and the amount of pets you could tame. Had to make 2?, 3? (dont remember) hunters just to get them all. Dungeons and Raids were fun, even tho i had to wait until i could solo them, and yes, im a solo player, because most all outdoor content is solo, grouping is an option which i opt on, for reasons.
Oh, and dont care if most of you people dont like this, it wasnt for you
Most pvpers I know? WOD is their favorite xpax. They loved farming all the head hunting titles and what not from the Garrison Gladiators Sanctum. Not to mention with the templates farming gear on a fresh max lvl toon was FAAAAAR less brutal
My first expansion, Legion. I really enjoyed it as newbie. Of course, it was when all the ketchup was added like all weapon traits unlocked and so on. Just after Argus’ raid was released? I was just a happy little dead gnome questing around, digging the lore. Digging the digging. (Archeology). I was SO stoked I got a MOUNT from archeology!
The class hall was amazing too.
Though BFA’s final patch is when I got in deep with the end game and actually did some m+ and the heroic raid for the Void-dragon. Oh man.
Visions are way more fun than grinding dailies and rares…
I’d call that a tie, really…
-edit- Fluffy insisted I keep my own ticket, so I guess I will.
This is a lovely thing to do!!
My old guild used to have a Christmas party with games and some of the prizes were mounts from the store - was really fun.
My favorite expansion has to be Mists of Pandaria. i started playing just before Mists so it was my first new expansion experience. Waiting for the expansion to drop was exciting and I was lucky and able to play on the first day.
I had a good friend that I played with and we had a blast.
I loved the stories, zones and the farm and all the rares. I really didn’t mind all the dailies and I really enjoyed getting my dragon mounts - the dragon training dailies were fun.
Getting the cloak was a challenge but also fun. I loved Wrathion!
Being able to contribute to a positive environment is reward enough for me. Feel free to leave my name off the list.
My favorite expansion so far has been Shadowlands. I loved Wrath and remember the fond memories, but in terms of being able to play the game and enjoy it, Shadowlands has done so much.
Blizzard upped the convenience factor by making it so all the pre-Shadowlands content levels with you. I was absolutely blown away by that. You can even level with someone of a completely different level with no EXP conflicts. It’s an automation dream come true.
I’m also completely astounded by the fact that healing is no longer overtly powerful. Healers now have to make solid healing choices, DPS, and manage their mana. In fact, healers might as well be pure DPS now (In some regards). That’s an awesome change.
I could say more but I’m just grateful Blizzard invests so much time into quality of life. From one developer to another, thank you Blizzard.
Aww, we sure do appreciate Grimoire here in GD, right guys?
<<~~~ our love for Grimoire…
The giveaways are fun. The rules and details are plainly stated. Winners are chosen randomly with no bias or favoritism. There’s nothing not to like!
So hmm, Swarf's favorite expansion...
I’m going to say that, for personal reasons, my favorite expansion is Shadowlands.
Despite the nausea inducing narrative this expansion and the various gripes and grievances, I’ve made a few more personal connections with others during this time.
The friendly interactions I’ve had here and there, both in game and on the forums and otherwise, have been endearing and meaningful.
I know right? its so simple too. Tell us your favorite xpax and why. Possibly win a Free mount. Like you said nothing bias and nothing hard
I dont know why this thread is not blowing up with replies. Maybe people look at my OP and say F reading that! and Leave? Maybe people dont think its legit? Who knows?