What is the benefit of not having RDF?

I spent most of my time leveling alts. My guild organization is around fostering alt-leveling. You are full of assumptions.

This right here is a bunch of bulljive. this guy opens jaw and inserts his theories as to how we think and crams that garbage into our mouth. I do not think one pro RDF player has ever once said we got 500k more subs because of RDF if they is one person they are blatantly wrong. mean while this moron yes he’s a moron argues in bad faith like he’s just done.

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There is no benefit, Blizzard intentionally wants to keep Classic’s population stagnant/declining so they can focus on retail and use the numbers to justify it.

Another conspiracy theory I haven’t heard before… oh, wait…

This is kinda like what amazon did to lotr and netflix did to resident evil franchises. Taking other people’s work and butchering to meet thier visions.

If thier ideas were good, then do something original. Instead, they want the built in audience.

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The game had higher growth rates prior to Death Knights. Down with Death Knights!!!

This is why I can’t take the trolls seriously. Their arguments make absolutely no sense, and you can apply them to anything. Subs slowed down when Achievements were added. Must have been Achievements!

It’s all nonsense. They have no arguments against RDF, so they make up hypothetical nonsense.

Giving you benefit of the doubt, you may represent the very few PvE out there that are actually inclusive and would possibly warrant not having RDF, assuming my assumptions are wrong.

Even so, there’s not enough of you to warrant no RDF out there.

Funny you mention that, because Activision acquired Blizzard in 2008, you know, prior RDF.

Enough of us or me? Either way, Blizzard’s decisions are not made under a democracy.

ya know its kind of funny i remember seeing the entire year from q4 2009 to like q3 of 2010 wrath sitting at like 12.5m and q4 through q1 of 2010 to 2011 wow had like 13M subs i remember seeing the spread sheet of it. now i can never find it. i don’t think the growth wow ever had was directly related to a tool or feature. if anyone argues in this its a bad faith argument or they’re being incredibly disingenuous with teh argument

This is a good point.

I think it was the Halo show where the showrunner basically said he didn’t play the games and didn’t care about the story and wanted to do his own thing. How did that turn out?

That’s pretty much how current Blizz is treating Wrath. They didn’t make the game, and they actually seem to have disdain and resentment for it. So they try and prove they can do it better…which they can’t.

Somewhat descent point, but the anti-social has a right to play and have some tool that facilitates that process.

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omg all the morons are here now.

And when originally when came in, they had a more hands off approach. Each expansion they got more and more involved.

If Microsoft buys blizzard, it will most likely take the same approach. Or, they could want to make up that money and subs matter, again. RDF on it’s way back in…lol.

RDF is already in retail, has it helped brining WoW to its former glory?

Again, people like to glorify RDF.

I prefer not to put groups together. I don’t like it. I have to rely on charity like you, assuming you are what you say you are.

How nice of them to take my money without giving my demographic or I a say on how that money should be used.

I think most Classic people would concur or tell you that the game progressively gets worse as more and more expansions get released. For them it’s just a matter of finding the cutoff point from when things were originally added until the game becomes undistinguishable from retail, or
becomes bad, or the bad starts to outweigh the good

It was agreed pre- Vanilla classic release and pre Wrath Classic release and after Wrath Classic release that RDF is generally considered that cutoff point, alongside the fact that no matter how many “halfway-through-the-expansion” semantics people try to argue, it actually came at the end of Wrath and not “halfway”.

You have no argument. You’re trying to use one possible objectively-bad addition to justify another one. Go play on your retail toon

Blizzard was slipping before Activision even entered into the equation.

I still remember a story Mark Kern told about one of the reasons he quit. He was Team Lead back in Vanilla and shortly after launch (which was a massive success), he was told to fire a bunch of people on his team. He didn’t want to. He had a big meeting explaining he told these employees they were part of a family. Some producer told him, ‘Too bad. We’re a real company now.’

Activision wasn’t the downfall. It was already rotting from the inside before that.

Well, you certainly are ready to put anti-RDF and “elite” together.

Last time I checked, they aren’t forcing anyone to give them our money. I don’t know much about finances, but I don’t see Walmart doing the same, or Starbucks.

Pros: None

Cons: Harder to form groups, low pop servers can barely run dungeons, people can’t dungeon level, low level players can’t run many of the dungeons, etc.