Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Your strawmans are getting bigger and bigger! :open_mouth:

Both problems that weren’t caused by dungeon finder’s removal. Let’s fix the issues at the source rather than applying band-aid solutions.

You’re probably more aware of the reasons than most people who hate dungeon finder. Not only because you spend so much time dumping red herrings into these stupid threads, but also because you yourself used to be one of the people explaining these reasons to people before switching to this creepy new trolling obsession.

That’s rich, coming from the paranoid doomsayer spamming the forums for more than a year about dungeon finder despite being told several times, by Blizzard themselves that they’re not implementing it. :rofl:

I see your “Go play Era” and raise you one “Go play Retail.”

And no one in the world is saying anything like that except you. Not sure who you’re arguing against other than your pile of strawmen. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like how you constantly say this yet never explain how any of these issues were “disproven”. You sound like the corporate gibberish generator.

Yeah, back when “the game as it was” was free of any Activision cancer. Now the design intent of Classic is to provide an experience that complies more with WoW’s original trajectory.

This is the one part of your alt fact rant that has a faint glimmer of truth to it.

Thanks for further proving my point on this topic, much to Jeynar's chagrin.

Your outburst will make a fine addition to the Pantheon of Bad Coping Mechanisms, Zaalg, the Dishonest Melodramatic