What is the benefit of not having RDF?

Who are the “elite” to begin with?

Players who play in a social manner seems to be who they view as the elite.

Making the game more assessable didn’t cause WoW to decline but loss of server identity and community definitely did.

Making a game easier to get into isn’t the reason people stopped playing. It declined (imo) because it stopped feeling like “home” and more like a single player game.

A non-cross realm RDF wouldn’t cause this issue because you’re still playing with people from your server and landing in the same queues with them often.

Yes, I do.

You’ve no idea how I play the game nor for how long, but I do accept random people, and have helped strangers with lower level content, like helping with Ring of Blood without asking for anything in return.

Oh, it hasn’t been on more than one occasion: I’m verily against it and my feelings aren’t indifferent about it. I don’t lie when I say I stopped playing WoW because of RDF.

In this case, you are the one indirectly accusing me of being on the elite, it is you who has to prove it.

That’s not what Mike Morhaime thinks, but if I have to choose from a person on the forums, and a former CEO who won’t get affected no matter what happens in the game anymore, I’ll believe the former CEO more.

That’s exactly what M.M. suggested is what happened as time passed by.

No proof for any of those claims. Devs are wrong constantly btw.

They’ve been wrong about so many things.

Except they have the actual data, they are under no obligation to share that data with us.

Either believe them or not. Devs are human indeed, more reason to rectify those mistakes, like RDF, for example.

Edit: Brian literally said they are “undoing” the things that change the game-mechanics.

I don’t want to have to believe them. I want proof. I want data backed information and not “feelings”.

The proof doesn’t exist. They’re taking shots in the dark just like everyone else.

I really would like a cookie though.


That goes to the assumption that the positives outweigh the negatives, nothing more than a sentiment.

Mike wasn’t a dev. He was a businessman. The devs understood the importance of RDF. Rob Pardo gave a great interview in 2009.

Anyway, but in a broader sense creative people often don’t understand why their creations were so successful. Look at any ‘special edition’ Spielberg or Lucas have done. They end up ruining it. Art needs to be left alone.

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I absolutely love some retail features, not all of them, and have never denied it.

So you want me to go back to retail right? Ok, I’ll compromise. Tell them to revert 13 years of talent/spell/ ability programming by implementing this exact 71 talent system unto retail. And that means my precious sentry totem included. Only pathetic shamans don’t know how to cherish and use such a spell.

Do that, and I’ll go back to retail and leave your classic alone, I promise.

It is blizzard’s version on the Stanford Prision Experiment from the 70s, only pertaining to access to content and gear.

Hmmm so your argument is based on feelings, but theirs can’t be.


The proof is classic’s existence and how and why it came to be. Blizzard didn’t just wake up one day and say “let’s go back to entertain the retail andies for a little while with some nostalgia before they inevitably go back” in fact they were trying their absolute hardest not to just get you to bank on nostalgia

there were other clear, real reasons for classic existing and there are people that want classic to exist as long as possible for those reasons, whether it’s on later expansions or more repeats of earlier ones

You can ignore that data but that’s on you, no one else

to be fair most of these people communicate in bad faith.

Another proof is that the game had bigger growth rates prior RDF. The pro-RDF glorify the system based on 500k, versus 11.5mil.

I used to think accessibility was a bad thing. Or too much accessibility, anyway.

But it’s really not. The problem WoW ran into was taking everyone down the same path. Choice and freedom were eliminated. The devs had a very distinct idea for what players should do, and how they should play the game and you’re essentially forced down a very narrow path.

Accessibility to options is the key. And that’s what RDF provided. Without it just look at Wrath Classic. It’s purely a raid log game and the leveling experience is dead. Play the way Blizz tells you to play or gtfo. That’s this design philosophy.


But that does raise questions about who his target audience is. The organized guilds, like you, represent a large demographic of subs.

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Do a forum search for threads that discuss Dungeon Finder (and RDF). You’re just asking someone to do your homework for you at this point.

This topic has been discussed ad nauseam, yet neither those for or against seem to care to understand the other side.

While I’m not sure if there is such a thing as a majority opinion, I personally feel like this topic is no longer worth discussing. If you need a dungeon finder to play this game, then you’re probably not going to enjoy Classic, because we don’t have cross-server automated grouping that teleports us into instances.

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