Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

:man_shrugging: Dungeon finder becomes the default way to play the game in the overwhelming majority of situations and 5-man content is such a constant and pervasive thing for many people (of which I’m one). Perhaps I just run more dungeons than the average person, but certainly, any issues you have with dungeon finder are multiplied by the number of times you use it, and I used it often.

Let me clarify.

With my theory #3, I was referring to the fact that Retail WoW tends to make a lot more money in recent years (because of microtransactions) than it ever did at the very height of its popularity when the playerbase was many times larger. Players are generally more profitable in Retail where there are so many more ways for them to spend money. I wasn’t saying it with bitterness in my tone as if Retail is only a milking machine and Classic is somehow totally different. I was just pointing out that, if Blizzard had a choice in where the players went, it would definitely be Retail, and of course they’re going to try as hard as they can to retain Retail players.

Oh, definitely. I think people are absolutely insane to look at the members of the WoW team as enemies of the game and the community. Blizzard still employs people who are really very passionate about what they do. My main issue is just where the line between passionate devs and corporate suits trying to push engagement metrics is vague.

I try very often to point out to people when something they dislike was very likely a directive that was pushed from high up, and not the “fault” of the developers in the weeds.

Honestly, not only do I agree, I think that would be quite fair, though only with the caveat that they continued taking it in a more “Classic” direction rather than just an alternate Retail. :stuck_out_tongue: But on this topic, I’m very excited to see what happens in the mid to long-term once the Microsoft acquisition is finalized.

That’s very melodramatic. :rofl:

Like I said, my experience with people in 5-man content in Classic has been been very positive and entirely unlike my experience in dungeon finder. So no, not exactly like now. Not like now at all.

I’m sad to hear it. Which realm are you on?

You’re not “calling something out”, you’re just dismissing an argument with a very flawed understanding of what a slippery slope is.

^ This is not an argument. It's not even a disagreement. It's just a false statement. Why do you think the slippery slope fallacious?

Idiotic take, right? I totally agree.